Monday, May 12, 2014

Capsule 1

Welcome to Eleven Entrance Help!!
Here below are the most asked questions for entrance facing students.
Its in the format as below:
<Question Code> <Question> <Options> <Answer>


For example:

'...... 1,"Tapeworm has no digestive system because:",,"it is a parasite","it lives in intestine","it doesn’t need food","it absorbs its food from general body surface",4.........'
Here {1} is question code, {"Tapeworm has no digestive system because:" is question, "it is a parasite","it lives in intestine","it doesn’t need food","it absorbs its food from general body surface"} are choices and {4} is answer.
1,"Tapeworm has no digestive system because:",,"it is a parasite","it lives in intestine","it doesn’t need food","it absorbs its food from general body surface",4
2,"Flatworms are devoid of:",,"Circulatory system","Respiratory system","Skeletal system","All of the above",4
5,"The space between body wall and alimentary canal of Ascaris is known as:",,"Haemocoel","Coelom","Pseudocoel","None",3
6,"Which of the class of phylum arthropoda has no antennae?",,"Crustacea","Myriapoda","Insecta","Arachnida",4
7,"Cuticle of Ascaris is an adaptation for:",,"Parasitism","Growth","Reproduction","Locomotion",1
8,"Blood do not transport oxygen in:",,"Cockroach","Bird","Earthworm","Rabbit",1
9,"Insects are active because:",,"They are small","They have open vasculation","They have developed respiratory organs","They are adapted for flight",3
10,"Vector insects are which:",,"Spread diseases","Destroy crops","Spoil soil","Act as Scavengers",1
11,"Kala-azar disease in transmitted by:",,"House fly","Bed bug"," Louse","Sand fly",4
12,"Pupa of butterfly is called as:",," Caterpillar"," Chrysalis"," Imago","Nymph",2
13,"A centipede has:",,"50-100 legs","100 legs","As many legs as body segments","As many pairs of legs as body segment except the a",4
14,"Which disease is caused by a nematode?",,"Amoebiasis","Filariasis","Tuberculosis"," Leprosy",2
15,"The body of all vertebrates is:",,"Bilaterally symmetrical","Radially symmetrical","Spherically symmetrical","Asymmetrical",1
16,"Water vascular system is found in:",,"Porifera","Annelida","Mollusca"," Echinodermata",4
17,"What would you call the study of fishes?",,"Ichthyology","Herpetology","Ornithology","Mammalogy",1
18,"In the larva of frog the respiration is carried out by:",,"Gills","Lungs","Skin","Skin & gills",4
19,"Which one of the following is a virviparous snake?",,"Bungarus","Naja naja","Natrix","Vipera",4
20,"Snakes lack:",,"Limbs","Girdles","Eyelids","All of  above",4
21,"Which is the common character between all the mammals?",,"They are  viviparous","They are herbivorous","They are carnivorous","They have 7 cervical  vertebrae",4
22,"Birds are characterized by the presence of:",,"Wings","Feathers","Beak","Four chambered heart",2
23,"Octopus belongs to which phylum?",,"Echinodermata","Arthropoda","Mollusca","Porifera",3
24,"Helix is the name of:",,"Apple snail","Garden snail","Snail","Slug",2
25,"Anus is situated in the last segment in:",,"Annelids","Chordates","Non-chordates","Vertebrates",1
26,"Bones present in our wrist are:",,"Carpals","Trasals","Humerus","Metacarpals",1
27,"Which of the following is warm blooded animal?",,"Rabbit","Turtle","Frog","Fish",1
28,"Science dealing with the study of fishes is known as:",,"Saurology","Arthrology","Herpetology","Ichthyology",4
29,"Biomes are:",,"Major ecological groupings of animals and plants","Major ecological grouping of plants","Aquatic vegetation","All of the above",1
30,"Paleontology is the study of:",,"Birds","Bones","Breasts","Fossils",4
31,"Branch of zoology dealing with study of behaviour of animals is:",,"Sociology","Ethology","Ecology","Ichthyology",2
32,"Relation between malaria and mosquito was discovered by:",,"Ronald Ross","William Harvey","Pasteur","A. Laveran",1
33,"Piscivorous fishes feed on:",,"Jelly fish","Globe fish","Fish"," Mollusca",3
34,"Co-worker of Darwin was:",,"Mendel","Wallace","Bateson","Lamarck",2
35,"Learning is realted to:",," Hypothalamus","Cerebellum","Cerebrum","Medulla",3
36,"Number of cramial nerves in man is:",,"10","10 pairs","12","12 pairs",4
37,"Largest number of cells are found in:",,"Brain","Spinal cord","Retina","Tongue",1
38,"The study of interaction between living organisims and their environment is called:",,"Phytogeography"," Ecology","Phytosociology","Ecosystem",2
39,"Number of spinal nerves in human beings is:",,"12 pairs","33 pairs","31 pairs","37 pairs",3
40,"Growth hormone is produced in:",,"Thyroid","Adrenal","Gonads","Pituitary",4
41,"Pancreas secretes:",,"Insulin","Insulin","Insulin","All of these",4
42,"Clocal aperture is present in one of the following:",,"Frog","Earthworm","Cockroach","Rabbit",1
43,"Branch of Biology dealing with distribution of plants on earths surface is called:",,"Phytogeography","Phytosociology","Ecology","Phytology",1
44,"A community is:",,"Autotrophs and heterotrophs","A collection of plants and animals","Organisms living in a habitat","Web of life",3
45,"Autecology refers to:",,"Effect of soil on vegetation","The ecological study of individual organisms","Effect of precipitation on vegetation","Effect of temperature on vegetation",2
46,"In an aqueous environment microscopic animals and plants are collectively known as:",,"Planktons","Commensals","Herbivores","Flora and fauna",1
47,"Graphic representation of relationship between the producers and the consumers in an ecosystem is known as:",,"Ecological niche","Ecological pyramid","Ecological system","Trophic levels",2
48,"All the living organisms of the earth constitute:",,"Biosphere","Community","Association","Population",1
49,"Abiotic component of an ecosystem is:",,"Bacteria","Daphnia","Water","Chlorella",3
50,"With regard to ecological food chain, man is a:",,"Producer","Consumer","Both producer and consumer","Producer and decomposer",2
51,"The source of energy in an ecosystem is:",,"Sunlight","ATP","RNA","DNA",1
52,"Competition for food, light and space is most severe between two:",,"00000","Distantly related species growing in same habitat","Closely related species grown in different habitat","Closely related species growing in the same area",4
53,"Bilateral symmetry, metameric segmentation, coelom and open circulatory system are characteristics of:",,"Annelida","Arthropoda","Mollusca","Echinodermata",2
54,"The study of cause of disease is known as:",,"Pathology","Etiology","Ethology","Parasitology",2
55,"For seeing a Haemocoel which animal you will select:",,"Earthworm","Hydra","Sponge","Cockroach",4
56,"The use of energy entering in an organisms from the outside is 100% efficient in:",,"All green plants","Some photosynthetic bacteria only","No plants","Unicellular green algae only",3
57,"As a basic character, dorsal tubular nerve cord is present in:",,"Some chordates","All chordates","Some invertebrates","All vertebrates",2
58,"Which one of the following features is found in chordates but not in non-chordates?",,"Gills","Spiracles","Post anal tail","Chitinous exoskeleton",3
59,"In which phylum adults have radial symmetry but the larvae have bilateral symmetry?",,"Porifera","Coelenterata","Annelida"," Echinodermata",4
60,"Which is common in cockroach and earthworm?",,"Dorsal nerve cord","Ventral nerve cord","Cocoon","Ommatidia",2
61,"Contractile vacuole in a protozoan is responsible for:",,"Ingestion","Digestion","Locomotion","Osmoregulation",4
62,"In Hydra, the non-cellular layer is:",,"Epidermis","Hypodermis","Mesodermis","Mesogloea",4
63,"Hydra can be called:",,"Coelomate","Pseudocoelomate","Acoelomate","Haemocoelomate",3
64,"Animals of phylum porifera are characterized by:",,"Coelenteron","Canal system","Coelom","Haemocoel",2
65,"Which of the following animals is sedentary as adult but active as larva?",,"Frog","Sponge","Sponge","Rat flea",2
66,"Nervous system in sponges is:",,"Very primitive","Well developed","Without definite brain and nerves","Absent",4
67,"Asexual reproduction during schizogony of malarial parasite is a kind of:",,"Binary fission","Budding","Fragmentation","Multiple fission",4
68,"Cavity of Ascaris is:",,"Coelom","Haemocoel","Pseudocoel","Coelenteron",3
69,"Oxytocin hormone is secreted by:",,"Adrenal","Ovary","Pituitary","Thyroid",3
70,"Hormone involved in the discharge of pancreatic juice in mammal is:",,"Secretin","Gastrin","Cholecystokinin","Enterogastrone",1
71,"Selective accumulation of iodine occurs in:",,"Liver","Thymus","Thyroid","Liver
72,"Sympathetic nervous system is also called as:",,"Central nervous system","Peripheral nervous  system","Autonomous nervous system","None",3
73,"Which one of the following diseases results from endocrine disorder?",,"Pneumonia","Goitre","Typhoid","Jaundice",2
74,"In rabbit, the digestion of cellulose takes place in:",,"Colon","Ileum","Caecum","Rectum",3
75,"         The structure which prevents the entry of food into respiratory tract is:",,"Larynx","Pharynx","Glottis","Epiglottis",4
76,"Fat soluble vitamins are:",,"A, D, & E","B, C, and D","B and C"," A, B and C",1
77,"Rickets is a kind of:",,"Communicable disease","Deficiency disease","Genetic disease","Infective disease",2
78,"Liver secretes:",,"No enzymes","Digestive enzymes","Hormones","Succus entericus",1
79,"Which is the element that hardens the tooth enamel?",,"Calcium","Fluorine","Iodine","Sodium",2
80,"Which one of the following is regarded as main cellular fuel?",,"Protein","Fat","Fructose","Glucose",4
81,"In man, the bile juice secreted per day is:",,"250ml","600ml","1000ml","1500ml",2
82,"A vitamin formed in skin upon exposure to UV rays is vitamin:",,"A","B2","C","D",4
83,"Plants are similar to animals because:",,"They respire during night","They respire during the day and night","They respire when it is required","They respire during the day only",2
84,"Which one of the following acts both as endocrine and exocrine gland?",,"Adrenal","Pancreas","Kidney","Liver",2
85,"The most abundant substance in protoplasm is:",,"Protein","Fat","Carbohydrate","Water",4
86,"The metal associated with haemoglobin is:",,"Iron","Iron","Magnesium","Manganese",1
87,"Which gas makes the most stable combination with Hb of RBC?",,"CO2","CO","O2","N2",2
88,"Urea is transported by:",,"Plasma","Blood","RBC","WBC",1
89,"Maximum absorption of water in mammals is in:",,"Lungs","Skin","Kidney","Spleen",3
90,"Which one of the followings, is not the excretory organ:",,"Kidney","Liver","Lung","Spleen",4
91,"Study of heredity and hereditary characters is known as:",,"Genetics","Evolution","Eugenics","Euthenics",1
92,"Number of autosomes in human sperm is:",,"11","22","44","45",3
93,"A tissue is a group of cells having:",,"Similar cells with dissimilar function","Similar cells with similar functions","Dissimilar cells with dissimilar function","Dissimilar cells with similar functions",2
94,"One of the following has a doubtful biological status",,"Bacteria","Virus","Blue green algae","None",2
95,"Virus vary in size from:",,"2nm to 200nm","2nm to 100nm","2nm to 300nm"," 2nm to 150nm",3
96,"Who for the first discovered virus?",,"Stakman","Iwanoski","Stanley","Iwanoski",2
97,"The genetic material in viruses can be:",,"DNA","RNA","DNA or RNA","DNA and RNA",3
99,"Life span of adult silkworm is about:",,"10 to 15 days","5 to 6 days","20 days","2 weeks",2
100,"Scientific culture of silkworm is:",,"Apiculture","Pisciculture","Sericulture","Silkworm farming",3
102,"Which of the following plants have maximum power of adaptability?",,"Pteridophytes","Angiosperms","Gymnosperms","Bryophytes",2
103,"In which of the following groups would you place a plant, which produces spores has vascular tissue and lacks seeds?",,"Gymnosperms","Algae","Bryophytes","Pteridophytes",4
104,"Thallophytes having chloroplast are:",,"Bacteria","Fungi","Algae","Moss",3
105,"Which of the following branches of biology applies both  to plants and animals?",,"Virology","Taxonomy","Bacteriology","Entomology",4
106,"Which of the following is known as father of taxonomy?",,"Engler","Aristotle","Linnaeus","Eichler",3
107,"One of the following events in a vegetable garden is never directly effected by light. That is:",,"Flowering","Fertilization","Food manufacturing","Seed germination",2
108,"Flowering plants are included under:",,"Cryptogams","Phanerogams","Bryophytes","Pteridophytes",2
109,"The chief function of sieve tubes is:",,"To conduct minerals","000000000","To provide mechanical support","To transport water from root to leaves",2
110,"Genus is a group of similar and related:",,"Families","Orders","Species","Genera",3
111,"Wood is a common name of:",,"Phloem","Secondary xylem"," Cambium","Vascular bundles",2
112,"A simple mechanical tissue devoid of lignin is:",,"Collenchyma","Parenchyma","Chlorenchyma","Sclerenchyma",1
113,"Companion cells are seen associated with:",,"           Sieve tubes","Wood parenchyma","Tracheids","Wood fibers",1
114,"The chief function of parenchymatous tissue is to:",,"Store food materials","Synthesize food","Absorb moisture","Conduct food materials",1
115,"Mechanical tissue consisting of living cell is:",,"Sclerenchyma","Collenchyma","Chlorenchyma","Parenchyma",2
116,"Thickening of cell wall, elongation and specialization for mechanical functions are characteristics of:",,"Collenchyma","Sclerenchyma","Parenchyma","Stone cells",2
117,"Which tissue contributes most to the mechanical strength of plants?",,"Parenchyma","Xylem","Sclerenchyma","Phloem",3
118,"Sieve tubes and companion cells are found in:",,"Xylem","Meristem","Phloem","Vessel",3
119,"Blood vessels, alveoli of lungs, heart and kidney are internally lined by:",,"Pavement or squamous epithelium","Cubical epithelium","Columnar epithelium","Glandular epithelium",1
120,"Which of the following is responsible for the increase in thickness?",,"Apical meristem","Lateral meristem","Intercalary meristem"," Xylem",2
121,"Xylem is responsible to conduct water from:",,"Roots to stem","Tracheids to the vessels","Roots to leaves","Leaves to root",3
122,"Increase in length of plant organs take place due to the activities of:",,"Apical meristem","Lateral meristem","Intercalary meristem","Xylem",1
123,"Group of cells morphologically similar and physiologically identical is known as:",,"Tissue","Organ","System","None",1
124,"Laticiferous tissues are found in:",,"Opium","Poppy","Fig","All of the above",4
125,"Some cells of our body can be over a foot long. These are:",,"Muscle cells","Nerve cells","Bone cells","Gland cells",2
126,"Which one of the following, is a tissue?",,"Ovary","Ovary","Lungs","Blood",4
127,"Voluntary muscle is present in:",,"Lungs","Liver","Hind limb","Heart",3
128,"Simple cuboidal epithelium are found in:",,"Buccal cavity","Trachea","Ureters","Urinary tubules of kidney",4
129,"The pinna is made up of:",,"Bone","Tendon","Ligament","Cartilage",4
130,"A strip of elastic tissue called ligament connects:",,"Muscle to muscle","Muscle to cartilage","Muscle to bone","Bone to bone",4
131,"Tendons and ligaments are made up of:",,"Connective tissue","Epithelial tissue","Muscular tissue","Skeletal tissue",1
132,"Which of the following structures are the speciality of nerve cells:",,"Nucleus and cytoplasm","Axon and dendrites","Vacuoles and fibres","Synapse and ganglia",2
133,"The germinal epithelium found in the ovary of mammals is:",,"Squamous epithelium","Cubical epithelium","Columnar epithelium","Glandular epithelium",2
134,"Tendon is a structure which connects:",,"Bone to bone","Muscle to a bone","Nerve to muscle","Skin to muscle",2
135,"Cells of pavement epithelium usually are of:",,"Cubical shape","Rod like shape","Goblet shape","Polygonal shape",4
136,"All the body organs are made up of:",,"Two types of tissues","Two or more types of tissues","One type of tissue","None of these",1
137,"Blood is a:",,"Connective tissue","Muscular tissue","Epithelium tissue","Nervous tissue",1
138,"Axial skeleton is made up of:",,"Skull only","Sternum only","Complete vertebral column","All of the above",4
139,"Humerus is a bone of:",,"Ankle","Hind arm","Upper arm","Thigh",3
140,"Total number of bones in human body is:",," 203","206","306","270",2
141,"Number of cervical vertebrae in a typical mammal is:",,"6","7","8","9",2
142,"The total number of bone in your right arm is:",,"30","32","35","40",1
143,"The longest and strongest bone in the body is:",,"Femur","Tibio-fibula","Humerus","Radio-ulna",1
144,"Which bone in man is concerned with locomotion?",,"Ulna","Femur","Humerus","None of the above",2
145,"The number of ribs in your body is:",,"12","48","24","36",3
146,"In man coccygeal bone is formed by  the fusion of:",,"3 vertebrae","6 vertebrae","5 vertebrae","4 vertebrae",4
147,"In man coccygeal bone is found in:",,"Pectoral girdle","Pelvic girdle","Skull","Vertebral column",4
148,"How many  bones are present in human skull?",,"30","42","32","22",4
149,"The number of bones in half of the lower jaw of man is:",,"4","6","8","1",1
150,"The smallest bone in man's skeleton is:",,"Nasal","Stapes","Patella","Palatine",2
151,"The total number of bones present in the face of a  man is:",,"12","11","13","14",4
152,"Which pair do not have corresponding bone?",,"Humerus and femur","Pectoral and pelvic girdle","Atlas and coccyx","Carpals and tarsals",3
153,"In a man total number of vertebrae is:",,"30","31","32","33",4
154,"The major constituent of vertebrate bone is:",,"Calcium phosphate","Sodium chloride","Potassium hydroxide","Calcium carbonate",1
155,"In man axial skeleton is made up of:",,"80 bones","100 bones","103 bones","206 bones",1
156,"The pectoral and pelvic girdles and the bones of the limb form",,"Axial skeleton","Appendicular skeleton","Visceral skeleton","Outer skeleton",2
157,"The articulation of femur and pelvic girdle is an example of:",,"Gliding joint","Pivot joint","Hinge joint","Ball and socket joint",4
158,"Limb muscles of man are:",,"Voluntary","Involuntary","Both a and b","None of the above",1
159,"The knee joint in between the thigh and lower leg is:",,"Hinge joint","Gliding joint","Pivot joint","Fixed joint",1
160,"Our wrist joint is:",,"Hinge joint","Gliding joint","Pivot joint","Fixed joint",2
161,"Hinge joint is present between:",,"Humerus and radioulna","Femur and pelvic girdle","Femur and acetabulum","Humerus and pectoral girdle",1
162,"Which joint is responsible to make you able to turn your head from side to side?",,"Imperfect joint","Hinge joint","Fixed joint","Pivot joint",4
163,"The immovable joints in mammals are found in:",,"The neck zone","The skull","The pelvic girdle","The lower jaw",2
164,"The only movable bone of the skull is:",,"Mandible","Maxilla","Zygomatic","Nasal",1
165,"How many separate bones are there in the vertebral column of adult man?",,"33","26","32","28",2
166,"Which of the following vertebrae are larger and heavier than others?",,"Cervical vertebrae","Cervical vertebrae","Lumbar vertebrae","Sacral vertebrae",3
167,"Sacrum is formed by the fusion of",,"7 cervical vertebrae","4 coccygeal vertebrae","5 lumbar vertebrae","5 sacral vertebrae",4
169,"Animal cell lacking nucleus would also lack in:",,"Chromosomes","Ribosomes","Lysosome","Centrioles",1
170,"Mitosis results in:",,"Reduction in number of chromosomes","Duplication of chromosomes","Increase in the cell volume","No change in number of chromosomes",4
171,"An animal cell can be differentiated from a plant cell by the presence of:",,"Endoplasm","Mitochondria","Ribosome","Centriole",4
172,"The activities of all living cells are controlled by:",,"Chloroplast","Tonoplast","Nucleus"," Auxins",3
173,"Main difference in between animal and plant cell is of:",,"Nutrition","Growth","Movement","Respiration",1
174,"An example of a cell devoid of nuclear membrane and mitochondria is:",,"Bacterial cell","Protozoan cell","Sponge cell","Sperm cell",1
175,"The longest phase in meiotic division is:",,"Prophase I","Metaphase I","Anaphase I","Telophase I",1
176,"Dictyosome is also known as:",,"Golgi body","Ribosome","Lysosome","Mitochondria",1
177,"Protein synthesis is associated with or center of protein synthesis is:",,"Ribosomes","Cell membrane","Nucleus","Chromatin",1
178,"Meiosis is also known as:",,"Equational division","Reduction division","Both","None",2
179,"In which form the energy is stored in a cell obtained in catabolic reactions?",,"ATP","DNA","Pyruvic acid","Glucose",1
180,"ATP is synthesized in:",,"Mitochondria","Cytoplasm","Golgi body","Endoplasmic reticulum",1
181,"Prophase of reduction division is divided into number of stages, the correct chronological sequence is:",,"Leptotene, pachytene, zygotene, diplotene,","Leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene,","Leptotene, zygotene, diplotene, pachytene,","Leptotene, zygotene, diplotene, pachytene",2
182,"Cellular organelles containing hydrolytic enzymes are:",,"Lysosomes","Ribosomes","Mitochondria","Golgi bodies",1
183,"Anaphase:",,"Is a phase restricted to amitosis","Is seen during the nuclear division of somatic","Occur only during meiosis","Is seen during nuclear division of somatic",4
184,"Who first of all saw the cell under microscope?",,"A.V. Leeuwenhoek","Robert Hooke","M.I. Schleiden","T. Schwann",2
185,"Which of the following is described as ""Energy currency of the cells""?",,"DNA","RNA","ATP","Vitamins",3
186,"Which of the following in a sense is a reversible process of prophase?",,"Interphase","Metaphase","Telophase","Anaphase",3
187,"The spindle fibre arises from:",," Centriole"," Nucleus","Centromere","Mitochondria",1
188,"A single cell gives rise to 32 cells by dividing mitotically. How many times has it undergone mitotic division?",,"16","8","4","5",4
189,"In how many cells the meiotic division has taken place if the total number of pollen grains is 32?",,"16","8","4","5",2
190,"Binomial system of nomenclature in classification was devised by C. Linnaeus. It provides the names pertaining to:",,"One scientific and one popular","The two given by taxonomists","One generic and one specific epithet","International identifying catalogue",3
191,"The basic unit of taxonomy is:",,"Genus","Species","Order","Class",2
192,"The main purpose of classification is:",,"To locate animals","To study facts of evolution","To establish relationships","To study ecology of animals",3
193,"Which of the following protozoa is considered as connecting link between animals and plants?",,"Entamoeba","Paramecium","Euglen","Monocystis",3
194,"Which of the following group is exclusively marine?",,"Porifera","Coelenterata","Moilusca","Echinodermata",4
195,"Which one is a matching set in animal taxonomy?",,"Planaria, Round worm, Earthworm","Millipede, Centipede, Cockroach","Starfish, Cuttlefish, Jellyfish","Leech, Sea-urchin, Liver fluke",2
196," which animal diploblastic acoelomate condition is present?",,"Planaria","Ascaris","Sea anemone","Earthworm",3
198,"In classification the descending order of taxa is:",,"Kingdom-division-order-class-genus-species","Kingdom-order-class-division-genus-species","Kingdom-phylum-order-class-species-genus","Kingdom-phylum-class-order-genus-species",4
200,"Blood which can down even below 4oC",,"Number of nuclei","Method of reproduction","Shape of organisms","Locomotory device.",4
201,"Which one of the following sets of animals belong to the same phylum?",,"Earthworm, Tapeworm, Leech","Prawn, Cockroach, Scorpion","Sea urchin, Sea horse, Starfish","Sea urchin, Cuttlefish, Flying fish",2
202,"Radial symmetry is found in:",,"Coelenterata","Annelida","Echinodermata","a & c",4
203,"In course of evolution, true coelom first evolved in:",,"Echinodermata","Annelida","Chordata","Aschelminthes",2
204,"The biggest phylum in regard to the number of species is:",,"Arthropoda","Platyhelminthes","Chordata","Protozoa",1
205,"Protozoans are:",,"Non-cellular","Acellular"," Unicellular","Any of the above",4
206,"Which one of the sponges, corresponds to the mouth of other animals?",,"Osculum","Incurrent canal","Ostia","Excurrent canal.",3
208,"Platyhelminthes are:",,"Acoelomate","Coelomate","Haemocoelomate","Pseudocoelomate",1
209,"Ascaris is:",,"Bisexual","Unisexual","Host","Marine",2
210,"The hind wings of mosquito are represented by:",,"Elytra","Halters","Pulvilli","Scutella",2
211,"Malplghian tubules are:",,"Excretory organs of insects","Excretory organs of frog","Respiratory organs of insects","Endocrine glands of insects",1
212,"Imago is the name for the young ones of:",,"Butterfly","Beetle","Housefly","Mosquito",4
213,"In honey bee, the larvae are at first fed on a secretion, the royal jelly which is produced by:",,"Drones","Neuters","Queen","Workers",4
214,"Phylum which includes animals, which live in land, water and can fly is:",,"Annelida","Porifera","Arthropoda","Protozoa",3
215,"Gambusia is a:",,"Pest on fishes","Pathogenic fish","Parasitic fish","Fish predator of mosquito larvae.",4
216,"Among following which is true fish?",,"Devil fish","Flying fish","Cray fish","Cuttle fish",2
217,"A frog lives in water or near water because:",,"It can get its food early in water","Its hind limbs are webbed and help in swimming","It respires through skin","It can see through its transparent eye",3
218,"The most highly advanced character in crocodile is the presence of:",,"Powerful jaws","Shelled eggs","Thecodont dentition","Four chambered heart",4
219,"Mark the odd member from following:",,"Turtle","Lizard","Crocodile","Dolphin",4
220,"Which is the national bird of Nepal?",,"Passer domesticus","Pavo cristatus","Columba livia","Lophophorus impejanus",4
221,"Oviparity is common in:",,"Rabbit","Whale","Parrot","Bat",3
222,"Homoiothermic animals are:",,"Animals","Mammals","Birds and mammals","Man & Birds",3
223,"Bats and birds are good fliers but the bat differs from bird in having:",,"Diaphragm","Four-chambered heart","Wings","Homoiothermic",1
224,"Chief distinguishing features of mammals:",,"Hairy skin and oviparity","Hairy skin and mammary glands","Mammary glands and teeth","Pinnae and teeth",2
225,"Temperature regulation is found in:",,"Rat","Fish","Frog","Lizard",1
226,"The biggest living creature in the world belongs to:",,"Echinodermata","Mammalia","Aves","Reptilia",2
227,"Trypsinogen is secreted by:",,"Duodenum","Liver","Pancreas","Stomach",3
228,"The balance of the living organisms is maintained through the process of:",,"Respiration","Photosynthesis","Reproduction","Exercises",3
229,"Name the main constituent of the food, in the absence of that one cannot live:",,"Carbohydrate","Mineral salts","Proteins","Vitamins",3
230,"Digestion of starch takes place in:",,"Stomach and duodenum","Buccal cavity and duodenum","Buccal cavity and stomach","Duodenum only",2
231,"Which of the following is not true about enzymes?",,"Enzymes are proteins","Specific in nature","Do not destroy on heating","Always forms the same end products.",3
232,"The artery can be distinguished from the vein in having:",,"Thicker wall with no valves","More blood cells with valves","Impure blood only","Carrying blood to various parts",1
233,"Cells which help in stopping the flow of blood are:",,"WBC","Leucocytes","RBC","Thrombocytes",4
234,"For reaching left side of heart blood must pass through:",,"Liver","Kidneys","Lungs","Brain",3
235,"Homologous structure have:",,"Similar origin but similar or dissimilar functions","Dissimilar origin but similar functions","Dissimilar origin but dissimilar functions","Dissimilar origin and dissimilar structures.",1
236,"The separation of chromosome takes place in:",,"Prophase","Metaphase","Anaphase","Telophase",3
237,"When number of food chains are interlocked, this is called:",,"Food link","Food Chain","Food web","Ecological pyramid",3
238,"The filtered fluid obtained by glomerular filtration does not contain:",,"Glucose"," Salts","Nitrogenous wastes","Fibrinogen and other proteins",4
239,"Proteins are digested by:",,"Bile juice","HCL of gastric glands","Lipolytic enzyme","Proteolytic enzyme",4
240,"If all green plants on earth are destroyed:",,"All pests shall  die","Only herbivorous animals shall die","All animals shall die ultimately","Nothing shall happen to animals",3
241,"The type of cell division in which nuclear membrane does not disappear is:",,"Mitosis","Free nuclear division","Amitosis"," Cytokinesis.",3
242,"By mitosis an equilibrium is maintained in the amount of:",," DNA","DNA & RNA","RNA","RNA & protein",2
243,"Meiosis occurs in:",,"Haploid organisms only","Diploid organisms only","Both a and b","Polyploids only",3
244,"Mycellial plant body is present in:",,"Thallophyta","algae","Fungi","Bacteria",3
245,"Algae do not need vascular bundles because:",,"Algae do not need vascular bundles because:","They are thallophyta","They are green","They are aquatic.",4
246,"The type of reproduction common in prokatyotes is:",,"Sexual","Asexual","Both","None",2
247,"The most common type of sexual reproduction in Spirogyra is:",,"Fragmentation","Scalariform conjugation","Lateral conjugation","Both b and c.",2
248,"Green photosynthetic sporogonium is found in:",,"Fern","Funaria","Marchantia","Bryophyta",2
249,"Fern plant body is:",,"Gometophytic","Sporophytic","Xerophytic","Hydrophytic",2
250,"The plant groups which produce embryo are:",,"Thallophyta & bryophyta","Thallophyta, bryophyta and pteridophyta","Bryophyta, pteridophyta and spermatophyta","Pteridophyta and spermatophyta",3
251,"Mosses occur in moist regions because:",,"Rate of transpiration is very high in them","Need water for fertilization","Need water to float in water","None of the above",2
252,"The flagellated cells in pteridophyta are:",,"Rhizoids","Spores","Gametes","Antherozoids.",4
253,"Tracheophytes are suited in land life because:",,"They need no water","They do not transpire much","They have xylem and phloem","All of the above",3
254,"Circinate vernation in fern refers to:",,"Types of leaves","Uncoiling of large leaf","Types of young leaves","Modified leaf",3
255,"Fern bears sporangia in:",," Placenta","In the leaf surface directly","Sorus","Indusium",3
256,"Two distinct generations in life cycle is common is:",,"Spirogyra","Mangifera","Dryopteris","Pinus",3
257,"Needles in pine are:",,"Leaves","Leaflets","Stem","Sporophylls",1
258,"Most of the angiosperm differs from most of the gymnosperm in having:",,"Flowers","Ovules","Carpel","Seeds",3
259,"Meiosis does not occur at the time of gamete formation from:",,"Prothallus","Protonema","Sporangium of fern","Anthers for pollen formation",1
260,"Among the following which does not belong to its sporophyte:",,"Root","Megasporophyll","Endosperm","Needle",3
261,"The type of flower most of the monocotyledons is:",,"Monoecious","Trimerous","Tetramerous","Pentamerous",2
262,"Spines in cactus are:",,"Stem","Leaves","Bud","Thorn",2
650,"Hairs are mainly for:",,"Differentiation of sex","Defense of the body","Trap layer of  air","Beautify the body",2
651,"Shivering in cold is a method for:",,"Preventing radiation of heat from body","Production of heat by muscular contraction","Production of heat by dermal friction","Increasing blood supply to skin",2
652,"Ligament connects:",,"Muscle to muscle","Muscle to bone","Muscle to cartilage","Bone to bone",4
653,"Power of regeneration is lowest in:",,"living cell","muscle cell","brain cell","skin cell",3
654,"Eustachian tube connects:",,"Pharynx  with middle ear","Middle ear with external ear","Middle ear with internal ear","External ear with internal ear",1
655,"Thermoregulatory center in brain of man is:",,"Pituitary","Diencephalon","Hypothalamus","None",3
656,"Muscular movements in vertebrates are coordinated by:",,"Cerebrum","Cerebellum","Pituitary","Thyroid",2
657,"Oxygenated blood is carried by:",,"pulmonary  vein","pulmonary v\artery","renal vein","hepatic portal vain",1
658,"Eye is made up of 3 layers , which is not a layer of the eye?",,"Retina","Sclera","Dermis","Choroid",3
659,"What is the function of chlorophyll?",,"to convert light energy to chemical energy","to release energy from carbohydrates","to store magnesium ions","to store raw materials for photosynthesis",1
660,"Chemicals in tobacco smoke lead to the breakdown of the elastic tissue in the walls of the alveoli. What is the name of this condition?",,"bronchitis","emphysema","heart disease","lung cancer",1
661,"Which condition can be treated with antibiotics?",,"AIDS","constipation","diabetes mellitus","syphilis",4
662,"Which control measure would not prevent the spread of malaria?",,"boiling drinking water","covering windows with netting","draining swamps","spraying insecticides onto stagnant water",1
663,"Pure breeding pea plants with green pods are crossed with pure breeding pea plants with yellow pods. All the F1 generation have green pods. Plants from the F1 generation are allowed to be interbred. What colour are pods of the F2 generation?",,"all green","all yellow","1 green : 1 yellow","3 green : 1 yellow",4
664,"Chimpanzees have 48 chromosomes in each normal body cell. How many chromosomes does a chimpanzee gamete contain?",,"23","24","46","48",2
665,"Large, insoluble molecules have to be digested before they can be:",,"absorbed","assimilated","egested","ingested",1
666,"After muscular exercise, which blood vessel carries the most carbon dioxide?",,"Aorta","hepatic artery","pulmonary vein","vena cava",4
667,"The single-celled organism that causes malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes. Mosquito are best described as:",,"a disease","a pathogen","a phagocyte","a vector",4
668,"Which condition is treated by antibiotics?",,"Diabetes","heroin addiction","malaria","syphilis",4
669,"During the production of yoghurt and cheese, the pH of the mixture changes due to:",,"milk proteins becoming solid","the changing of lactose to lactic acid","the production of carbon dioxide","the production of ethanol",2
670,"Which organ is damaged as it breaks down alcohol?",,"brain","kidney","liver","stomach",3
671,"Which feature of the life history of a female mosquito makes it an effective vector of malaria?",,"It has three pairs of legs.","It has wings.","It lays eggs in water.","It mates frequently.",2
672,"A person’s diet contains more protein than is needed for growth and repair. This causes increased production of:",,"carbon dioxide.","hormones.","sweat.","urea.",4
673,"Where can a virus develop and reproduce?",,"in decayed fruit","in fresh milk","in human cells","in meat soup",3
674,"Litmus paper is red in acid solutions and blue in alkaline solution. Which part of the alimentary canal has secretions that would change litmus paper from blue to red?",,"colon","duodenum","ileum","stomach",4
675,"What is the function of lymphocytes?",,"to carry carbon dioxide","to convert fibrinogen to fibrin","to produce antibodies","to produce lymph",3
676,"Which part of bone makes it hard and rigid?",,"calcium phosphate","collagen fibres","living cells","yellow elastin",1
677,"Where are most proteins made?",,"chromosomes","mitochondria","nucleus","ribosomes",4
678,"Which disease is caused directly by a pathogen?",,"coronary heart disease","influenza","lung cancer","sickle cell anaemia",2
679,"Energy absorbed by the grassland community enters as:",,"light and is lost as light","light and is lost as heat","heat and is lost as light","heat and is lost as heat",2
680,"Cartilage in a synovial joint serves to",,"give the body its shape","protect the muscles at the joint","reduce friction","allow for extra movement",3
681,"Iodine is essential in the diet because it:",,"helps to prevent tooth decay","is an antiseptic","is needed to produce thyroxine","is needed to produce vitamin D.",3
682,"The spinal cord",,"allows the spine to be flexible","supports the weight of the back","allows the passage of nerve","protects the spine from damage",3
682,"Fibrinogen is necessary for",,"keeping the colour of blood","the clotting of blood","the formation of haemoglobin","removing carbon dioxide from blood.",2
683,"A chromosome:",,"is found only on gametes","carries genetic information","is present at all times in cells","can migrate across the nuclear membrane.",2
684,"Under which of the following phylum would this organisms come?",,"Platyhelminthes","Nemathelminthes","Coelenterata","Annelida",2
685,"When the eyeball is longer than normal and the point of focus for distant objects is in front of retina, a person suffers from:",,"Hypermetropia","Myopia","Presbyobia","Glaucoma",2
686,"Polio generally affects:",,"Kidney","Skin","Nerves","Bones",3
687,"Which group of plants has the most highly developed gametophyte?",,"Liverworts","Mosses","Ferns","Seed plants",2
688,"Which substance increases in the blood plasma when there is an uptake of Carbon dioxide?",,"Carbonic Acid","Potassium bicarbonate","Sodium bicarbonate","Sodium chloride",3
689,"Serum differs from blood as it lacks:",,"blood cells and plasma proteins","formed elements and fibrinogen","only fibrinogen","only formed elements",2
690,"Which of the following mushroom is highly poisonous?",,"Agaricus bisporus","Pleurotus sp","Amanita muscaria","Agaricus campestris",3
691,"How many days does an adult Silkworm survive?",,"10- 12 days","5- 6 days","1 – 2 weeks","2 – 3 weeks",2
692,"When digestion takes place in the stomach, the condition should be:",," alkaline","neutral","acidic","basic",3
693,"Which one of the following is not a salivary gland?",,"Parotid gland","Brunner's gland","Sub maxillary gland","Sublingual gland",2
694,"Total number of bones in the hind limb of a man is:",,"14","30","24","21",2
695,"In which of  the following parts of the body is a hinge joint found?",,"the shoulder","the knee","the hip","the skull",2
696,"The medulla oblongata of the brain  controls:",,"balance","hearing","learning","breathing",1
697,"lodine is essential in the diet because it:",,"helps to prevent tooth decay","is an antiseptic","is needed to produce  thyroxine","is needed to produce Vitamin D.",3
698,"Vitamin K is necessary for blood clotting because it plays a vital role in the synthesis of:",," Thromboplastin","Fibrinogen","Prothrombin","All of them",3
699,"The bile juices are:",,"a secretion of the liver","an excretion of the liver","both a and b","a secretion of Pancreas",3
700,"In Rabbit, the digestion of cellulose takes place in:",,"Rectum","Ileum","Colon","Caecum",4
701,"The circulation of blood in closed circulatory system was discovered by:",,"Francis Darwin","William Harvey"," Theophrastus","Hippocrates",2
702,"The strongest muscles of the body are found in:",,"wrist","eyes","jaws","thighs",3
703,"Darwin's theory of natural selection",,"did not account for fossils","was the first theory of evolution","failed to explain the sources of evolution","has been changed completely",1
704,"At which part of the tongue are the taste buds for sweet taste located?",,"tip","back","sides","middle",1
704,"Which one of the following traits was not studied by Mendel in the pea plants?",,"flower colour","flower position","seed colour","seed size",4