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Here below are the most asked questions for entrance facing students.
Its in the format as below:
<Question Code> <Question> <Options> <Answer>
For example:
'...... 1,"Tapeworm has no digestive system because:",,"it is a parasite","it lives in intestine","it doesn’t need food","it absorbs its food from general body surface",4.........'
Here {1} is question code, {"Tapeworm has no digestive system because:" is question, "it is a parasite","it lives in intestine","it doesn’t need food","it absorbs its food from general body surface"} are choices and {4} is answer.
298,"Who has discovered molecule term?",,"Dalton","Avogadro","Rutherford","None","2"
299,"Who has discovered nucleus of the atom?",,"Avogadro","Rutherford","Neil Bohr","None","2"
300,"Galena is the ore of:",,"Silver","Magnesium","Lead","copper","3"
301,"Molecular formula of plaster of Paris is:",,"CaSO$4.H$2O","(CaSO$4)$2.H$2O","CaSO$4.2H$2O","None","2"
302,"Molecular formula of green vitriol is:",,"CuSO$4.5 H$2O","FeSO$4.7H$2O","ZnSO$4,. 7H$2O","MgSO$4.7H$2O","2"
303,"Which of the following statement is not true for ethyne gas?",,"It is an unsaturated hydrocarben","It is the monomer of benzene","It satisfies the formula Cn H$2n -2","Benzene is natural polymer","4"
304,"Haematite is the ore of:",,"Zinc","Copper","Iron","None","3"
305,"A gas Y burns in air and adsorbed by palladium metal is:",,"Nitrogen","Oxygen","Hydrogen","None","3"
306,"The gas which is obtained by heating potassium nitrate, is absorbed by alkaline pyrogallate solution is:",,"N$2","O$2","NH$3","NO$2","2"
307,"BHC is an example of:",,"Fertilizer","Antiseptic","Insecticides","None","3"
308,"Iodine of Tincture is:",,"Antiseptic","Analgesic","Both a and b","None","3"
309,"Molecular formula of Bleaching powder is:",,"Ca(OCl)Cl","CaOCl","Ca(OCl)$2","None","1"
310,"Molecular formula of lunar caustic is:",,"KOH","NaOH","AgNO$3","None","3"
311,"Litharge is the ore of:",,"Zinc","Lead","Tin","Iron","2"
312,"How many grams of NaOH are needed to make 100 gram of a 5% solution?",,"0.5","5","20","None","2"
313,"How many grams of CO$2 can be prepared from 150 gram of calcium carbonate reacting with an excess of hydrochloric acid solution?",,"66","22","33","None","1"
314,"All of the following are compounds except:",,"Copper Sulphate","Carbondioxide","Washing Soda","Air","4"
315,"In general, when metal oxides react with water, they form solutions that are:",,"Acidic","basic","Neutral","None","2"
316,"Electrolysis of a dilute sodium chloride solution results in the cathode product is",,"Sodium","Hydrogen","Chlorine","Oxygen","2"
317,"A component whose molecular mass in 90 grams contain 40.0% carbon, 6.67% Hydrogen and 53.33% oxygen. What is true formula for the compound?",,"C$2H$2OH","CH$2O$4","C$3H$6O$3","C$3HO$3","3"
318,"How many moles of CaO are needed to react with an excess of water to form 370 gram of calcium hydroxide?",,"1","5","3","4","2"
319,"An organic compound has been found to possess the empirical formula CH$2O and molecular weight 90. Give its molecular formula (C = 12, H = 1, O = 16)",,"CH$3COOH","HCOOH","C$6H$12O$6","C$3H$6O","4"
320,"An organic compound on analysis was found to contain 10.06% carbon, 0.84% hydrogen and 89.1% chlorine. Calculate its empirical formula.",,"CHCl$2","CH$2Cl$2","CH$2Cl$3","CHCl$3","4"
321,"Which one is physical change?",,"burning of S in air","burning of C in air","corrosion of metal","conversion of white phosphorus to red phosphorus","4"
322,"How much sodium iodide will saturate 60 grams of water at 20°C, if its solubility be 178.",,"100","96","106.8","206","3"
323,"How many electrons are present in Fe+++ ion?",,"23","24","25","26","1"
324,"20 gram of a solution saturated with a salt at 80°C is cooled to 30oC. How much of the salt will crystalise out of the solution, if its solubility at 80°C and 30°C are 100 and 25 respectively?",,"15 gram","9 gram","6 gram","7.5 gram","4"
325,"When the ammonium nitrite is heated, we get:",,"O$2","N$2","NH$3","None","2"
326,"The ionic compound formed in between Gr I and Gr VII in periodic table is:",,"CaCl$2","AlCl$3","CCl$4","NaCl","4"
327,"You are given AgCl in aqueous solution, how would you separate AgCl?",,"sublimation","atmolysis","solvent extraction","filtration","4"
328,"Calculate the total no. of electrons present in 1.6 gm of methane if gram mol. weight of methane = 16g.",,"6.023 × 10#23","6.023 × 10#-23","6.023 ×10#21","6.023 × 10#20","1"
329,"Element used in photoelectric cell is:",,"Li","Na","Cs","Fr","3"
330,"The number of water molecules present in 1 litre of water is:",,"18","18 × 1000","NA","55.55NA","4"
331,"Which has maximum number of atoms?",,"24 gm of C(12)","56 g of Fe (56)","26 gm of Al (27)","108 gm of Ag (108)","1"
332,"Positron is anti-particle of electron. Positron is:",,"-1e#0","+1e#0","1H#1","+1e#-1","2"
333,"The correct ground state electronic configuration of chromium atom (At No: 24) is:",,"[Ar] 3d54s1","[Ar]3d4s2","[Ar]3d6s6","[Ar]4d54s1","1"
334,"Diagonal relationship is shown by elements of second period. Diagonal relation exists between:",,"Li and Mg","Na and Mg","K and Mg","Al and Mg","1"
335,"If the valence shell structure of an element is ns2np5, this element belong to:",,"alkali metal","inert metal","alkaline earth metal","halogens","4"
336,"The size of following species in increasing order is correct in:",,"I-<I<I+","I< I+ < I-","I+<I<I-","I-<I+<I","3"
337,"Which of the following has highest affinity for haemoglobin?",,"CO$2","CO","C","Blood","2"
338,"The liquefied petroleum gas mainly contains:",,"methane + ethane","ethane + propane","butane + isobutene","methane + propane","3"
339,"Commercially Hydrogen is obtained from:",,"coal gas","oil gas","marsh gas","producer gas","3"
340,"The acid anhydride of HNO$3 is:",,"NO$2","N$2O$4","NO$3","N$2O$5","3"
341,"Tear gas is chemically:",,"acetyl salicylic acid","chloropicrin","phenyl isocyanide","carbon monoxide","2"
342,"Which of the following is indicator of progress and prosperity of country?",,"HCL","HNO$3","Aquaregia","H$2SO$4","4"
343,"Formation of Vanaspati Ghee from soyabean oil with hydrogen in presence of heated nickel catalyst is known as:",,"Esterification","Hydrogenation","Hardening of oil","Both b and c","4"
344,"When Carbon-dioxide gas is passed through lime water up to saturation, we get colourless compound due to formation of:",,"Ca(OH)$2","CaCO$3","Ca(HCO$3)$2","None","3"
345,"The property of carbon to form long chain is called:",,"catenation","complex character","isomerism","vital force theory","1"
346,"Ores of copper metal is:",,"Galena","Azurite","Magnetite","None","2"
347,"FeCl$3 is example of ----- salt.",,"Acidic","Basic","Neutral","None","1"
348,"General formula of alkyl group is:",,"CnH$2n+2","CnH$2n","CnH$2n-2","CnH$2n+1","4"
349,"Water containing HCO3-- is removed by:",,"Boiling","Clarck’s method","Washing soda","both a and b","4"
350,"Molecular weight of heavy water is:",,"16","18","20","None","3"
351,"Maximum number of electrons in M shell is:",,"2","18","8","32","2"
352,"Number of electron present in 13Al+++ ion is:",,"13","10","16","None","2"
353,"Example of metalloid is:",,"Al","Fe","Cu","Sb","4"
354,"Very long periodic table consists of ----- groups",," 9","7","18","None","3"
355,"Example of amphoteric oxide is",,"CaO","SiO2","ZnO","CO","3"
356,"Atoms of different element, which have same neutron number but different atomic number are known as:",,"Isotopes","Isobars","Isotones","None","3"
357,"The relative abundance of two isotopes of At. Wt 85 and 87 is 75% and 25% respectively. The average atomic weight of element is:",,"75.5","85.5","87.5","86","2"
358,"Molecular formula of sodium metaluminate is:",,"Na$3AlO$3","Na$2AlO","NaAlO$2","None","3"
359,"C$4H$6 is example of:",,"Alkane","Alkene","Alkyne","Alkyl","3"
360,"Those chemical substances which donate proton are known as:",,"Acid","Base","Salt","None","1"
361,"Thickening of glass at the bottom after sometime is known as:",,"Annealing","Super cooling","Hardening","None","2"
362,"Different forms of same element, which have similar chemical properties but different physical properties are known as:",,"Isomerism","Allotropy","Polymorphism","both b and c","4"
363,"When ammonuium nitrite is heated, we get:",,"N$2+H$2O","N$2O+H$2O","NO+H$2O","None","1"
364,"The chemical substances, which absorbs moisture from atmosphere to become wet are known as:",,"Effloresecnce","Deliquesence","Saponification","None","2"
365,"Hydrogen is absorbed by Pt, Pd, N. The process of absorbtion of hydrogen is called:",,"emulsion","occlusion","effusion","diazotization","2"
366,"PbO$2 is:",,"acidic","basic","amphoteric","anhydride","3"
367,"Drying agent of ammonia is CaO, absorbent of NH$3 is:",,"conc. HCl","conc. H$2SO$4","fused CaCl$2","conc. HNO$3","3"
368,"What will be the number of moles in 13.5 gm of SO$2Cl$2?",,"0.1","1","10","100","1"
369,"What will be the number of moles of oxygen in one litre of air containing 21% of oxygen by volume under the standard condition?",,"2100/22400","210/224","21/224","21/2240","4"
370,"Which of the following principle limits the maximum number of electrons in orbital to 2?",,"Afbau principle","Pauli’s exclusion principle","Hunds","Heisenberg Uncertainty principle","2"
371,"Which of the following is not base?",,"NaOH","P(OH)$3","Al(OH)$3","ZnO","2"
372,"The coupling between the base unit of DNA is through:",,"Hydrogen bonding","Electrostatic bonding","Covalent bonding","Resonance","1"
373,"H$2O$2 is:",,"Hydrogen peroxide","oxygenated water","bleaching agent","all","4"
374,"Oxygen is used to purify water because:",,"oxygen is paramagnetic","absorbs harmful uv-radiation","destroys virus and bacteria","oxygen is reducing agent","3"
375,"Bakelite is thermosetting plastic. It is polymer of:",,"acetaldehyde + carbolic acid","formaldehyde + carbolic acid","Formaldehyde + Benzoic acid","Acetaldehyde + Benzoic acid","2"
376,"When excess of sodium hydroxide reacts with sulphuric acid, the resultant solution will have pH.",,"less than 7","equal to 7","more than 7","it cannot be predicted","3"
377,"Wine i.e alcoholic beverage is:",,"CH$3OH","C$6H$6","C$2H$5OH","C$3H$7OH","3"
378,"The least no. of carbon atom in alkane forming isomers is:",,"3","4","5","6","2"
379,"Substance which bring body temperature down is called:",,"Antipyretics","Analgesics","Antibiotics","None","1"
381,"Dolomite is chemically known as:",,"MgCO$3 + CaCO$3","MgOH + CaCO$3","MgCO$3 + Ca(OH)$2","None","1"
382,"Sylvine is:",,"FeCl$3","MgCl","KCl","AuCl","3"
383,"The first person to receive Nobel prize in chemistry is:",,"Rutherford","Chadwick","Lavoiser","Vant Hoff","4"
384,"Fractional distillation is used for separation of two miscible liquid and is based on difference in boiling points of two liquids. Fractional crystallization is based on:",,"Nature of crystal","weight of crystal","colour of crystal","solubility of solids in solvent","4"
385,"Which of the following pairs of gases contain same number of molecules?",,"16 gm of O$2 and 14 gm of N$2","8 gm of O$2 and 22 gm of CO$2","28 gm of N$2 and 22 gm of C$12","32 gm of O$2 and 32 gm of N$2","1"
386,"The percentage of nitrogen in urea is:",,"46%","23 %","28%","18%","1"
387,"Which of the following compound contains both ionic and covalent bond?",,"CH$4","H$2","KCN","CH$3Cl","3"
388,"Which of the following is most electronegative?",,"Oxygen","Chlorine","Fluorine","Iodine","3"
389,"Hardness of water is due to which pair of ion?",,"Ca#2+ and K#+","Mg#2+ and K#+","Ca#2+ and Mg#+","Ba#2+ and Zn#2+","3"
390,"Lunar caustic is:",,"AgCl","AgNO$3","Pb(NO$3)$2","NaNO$3","2"
391,"Which of the following is an acid salt?",,"Zn(OH) Br","Ca(HS)$2","NaCl","KCl","2"
392,"Valency of aluminate is:",,"-3","+3","-1","+1","1"
393,"Total number of elements present in 7th period is:",,"17","18","19","None","4"
394,"Boron is diagonal relation ship with:",,"Si","Na","Al","Mg","1"
395,"Stainless steel contains:",,"Fe + Cr + Ni + Ag","Fe + Cr + Ni + C","Cu + Zn + Ni","None","2"
396,"11-2 litre of steam contains ----- gram of hydrogen.",,"1 g","2 g","3 g","4 g","1"
397,"Molecular formula of calcium hypochlorite is",,"Ca (OCl3)$2","Ca (OCl2)$2","Ca (ClO)$2","None","3"
398,"Increase in oxidation number is known as:",,"Oxidation","Reduction","Reductant","Both a & c","4"
399,"When we go prom left to right in the same period, the atomic radius of the element:",,"Increases","Decreases","No any change","None","2"
400,"Formation of ethyl acetate fro acetic acid and ethyl alcohol in presence:",,"Etherification","Saponification","Esterification","None","3"
401,"When mixture of potassium hydroxide and ammonium ehloride is heated, we get a gas like:",,"N$2","NH$3","N$2O","NO","2"
402,"Which of the following is insoluble in water?",,"NaCl","CaCl$2","AgCl","BaCl$2","3"
403,"The example of noble metal is:",,"Argon","Iron","Palladium","Calcium","3"
404,"Example of anhydride of aqua fortis is:",,"N$2O$3","N$2O","NO","N$2O$5","4"
405,"Formation of sodium metal from fused sodium chloride is the example of:",,"Synthesis reaction","Analysis reaction","Reversible reaction","None","3"
406,"Burning of candle is:",,"Physical","Chemical","Both a and b","None","3"
407,"Water is ----- in nature.",,"Acidic","Basic","Amphoteric","None","3"
408,"When steam is passed over heated iron, we get:",,"FeO+H$2","Fe$2O$3+H$2","Fe$3O$4+H$2","None","3"
409,"20 gram saturated solution of given compound is heated at 80oC and cooled to 30oC, find the salt deposited, when the temperature is decreased from 80oC to 30oC, if the solubility of given compound at 80oC and 30oC are 100 and 25 respectively.",,"6gm","15gm","7.5 gm","None","3"
410,"Molecular formula of bleaching powder is:",,"Ca (OCl)Cl","Ca (OCl)$2","Ca Ocl$2","both a and c","4"
411,"When the mixture of sodium nitrite and ammonium chloride is heated, we get gas:",,"H2","O$2","N$2","NH$3","3"
412,"When sodium acetate is heated with soda lime, we get:",,"C$2H$6","C$2H$4","C$2H$2","CH$4","4"
413,"Those chemical substances which accept lone pair of electrons are known as:",,"Acid","Base","Salt","None","1"
414,"Those chemical substances in which there is increase in oxidation number is known as:",,"Oxidation","Reduction","Reductant","Both a and c","4"
415,"NH$4Cl is example of ----- salt.",,"Acidic","Basic","Neutral","None","1"
416,"Example of amphoteric oxide:",,"Na$2O","P$2O$5","SnO","N$2O","3"
417,"When we go form left to right in the same period, the atomic radius of the element:",,"Increases","Decreases","No change","None","2"
418,"Be has diagonal relation ship with:",,"Li","Na","Al","Si","3"
419,"SO$3 is an anhydride of:",,"H$2SO$3","H$2SO$4","H$2S$2O$7","None","2"
420,"If the empirical formula of the given compound is CH$2O and its molecular weight is 180 a.m.u., find the molecular formula of the given compound.",,"CH$3COOH","C$3H$6O$3","C$6H$12O$6","None","3"
421,"Mixture containing NaCl + Water, NaCl is separated by:",,"Distillation","Sublimation","Evaporation","Both (a) and ©","4"
422,"What is the nature of Sodium metal?",,"Malleable","Ductile","Both a and b","Soft","4"
423,"Permanent hardness of water is due to presence of:",,"Ca(HCO$3)$2","Mg(HCO$3)$2","CaCl$2","None","3"
432,"Isotopes have ---",,"same at. No","different no. of neutrons","same no. of neutrons","both a and b","4"
433,"General formula of cycloalkane is ---",,"CnH$2n+2","C$nH$2n","C$nH$2n+1","C$nH$2n-2","2"
434,"The general formula of diene is ---",,"C$nH$2n+2","C$nH$2n","C$nH$2n-2","C$nH$2n+1","3"
435,"Calomel is the ore of ---",,"Calcium","Cadmium","Chromium","Mercury","4"
436,"The mass of a neutron is of the order of ---",,"10#-23 Kg","10#-24 Kg","10#-26 Kg","10#-27 Kg","4"
437,"The maximum number of electrons are ---",,"71g in chlorine","120g in magnesium","127g in iodine","4g in hydrogen","2"
438,"Which is the electron deficient molecule?",,"CH$4","BF$3","NH$3","H$2O","2"
339,"A pressure cooker reduces cooking time because ---",,"the heat is more evenly distributed.","the higher pressure tenderizes the food.","the boiling point of water inside is elevated.","a large flame is used.","2"
340,"Under the same conditions 22g of carbondioxide will have the same volume as 22g of ---",,"dinitrogen oxide","nitrogen","carbon monoxide","nitrogen dioxide","1"
341,"Which of the follwing elements does not show the allotropy?",,"C","S$8","P$4","I$2","4"
342,"Which of the following will displace Br2 from an aqueaus solution of NaBr?",,"I$2","Cl$2","Cl#–","I3#–","2"
343,"The molecualr formula of Litharge is ---",,"PbS","ZnO","HgO","PbO",
344,"Which of the following is not organic compound?",,"CO$2","CH$4","CCl$4","CH$3CHO","1"
345,"Which one of the following is called aqua fortis?",,"HNO$3","H$2SO$4","HCl","H$2CO$3","1"
0,"Rutherford's atomic model is based on ---",,"?-rays scattering experiment","?-rays scattering experiment","?-rays scattering experiment","?-rays scattering experiment","1"
0,"Impurities present in the ore are called",,"Gangue","Slag","Flux","None","1"
0,"Al#+++, Mg#++, Na#+ are #---",," Isotopes","Isobars","Isoelectronic ions","Isotones","3"
0,"Which of the following is lightest radioactive element?",,"Protium"," Deuterium","Iridium","Vranium","3"
0,"Which one of the following is not possible?",,"2d","3p","4d","5f","1"
0,"ZnO is an amphoteric because ---",,"ZnO reacts with HCl only","ZnO reacts with both acid and alkali","ZnO does not react with both acid and alkali","None of these","2"
0,"Camphor can be separated from the mixture of sand and camphor by ---",,"Sublimation","Filtration","Distillation","Crystallisation","1"
0,"Which of the following is the non-metallic basic radical?",,"Cd#2+","Hg#++","NH#4+","H#+","2"
0,"Which of the following is not a true peroxide?",,"Na$2O$2","Na$2O$2","K$2O$2","BaO$2","2"
0,"The metals which can be used as anode is electrolysis of any kind of electrolyte is",,"Cu","Pt","Zn","Al","2"
0,"Which one of the following oxide gives oxygen gas when heated?",,"Na$2O","MgO","Ag$2O","CaO","3"
0,"What will be the colour of universal indicator when dipped in a solution having pH 4.5?",,"Red","Yellw","Light green","Greenish blue","3"
0,"Acid-base reaction is basically",,"Addition reaction","Decomposition reaction","Single displacement","Double displacement","4"
0,"Which of the following when treated with water gives H$2S gas?",," MgSO$4","MgSO$3","MgS","(NH$4) SO$4","3"
0,"Rock salt is the ore of",,"Na","Cs","Si","Fe","1"
0,"Which of the following glass is used to make gems?",,"Hard glass","Flint glass","Quartz glass","Pyrex glass","3"
0,"Brown coloured glass is prepared by heating simple glass with",," FeO","NiO","Cr$2O$3","MnO","1"
0,"The acid anhydride of H3PO4 is:",,"P$2O$3","P$2O$5","PO$4","PO$3","2"
0,"The size of following species in increasing order is correct is",,"I#-<I<I#+","I<#+I<I#-","I#+<I<I#-","I#-<I+<I#-","3"
0,"The correct ground state electronic configuration of chromium atom (At. no: 24) is:",,"[Ar] 3d#5 4s#1","[Ar] 3d6s#2","[ar]3d#6s#6","[Ar] 4d#54s#1","1"
0,"The example of reversible reaction is the formation of:",,"NH$3 from N$2+H$2","HCl from H$2+Cl$2","NaCl by neutralization","None","1"
0,"Which of the following is incorrect statement?",,"All the atoms of same element are alike","Atoms of same isotopes are alike",,,"1"
0,"Hydrogen is adsorbed by Pt, Pd to give solid gas solution is known as:",,"emulsion","occlusion","effusion","diazotization","2"
0,"The relative abundance of two isotopes of At wt 85 and 87 is 75% and 25% respectively. The accurate atomic weight of the element is:",,"75.5","85.5","87.5","86","2"
0,"Calomel is:",,"HgCl$2","Hg$2Cl$2","KCl","CaCl$2","2"
0,"M shell has --- orbitals.",,"2","6","9","16","3"
0,"The percentage of nitrogen in Urea is:",,"23%","18%","46%","28%","3"
424,"Molecular formula of Lunar Caustic is:",,"NaOH","KOH","AgNO$3","AgCl","3"
425,"pH of distilled water is:",,"4","7","10","None","2"
426,"AgNO$3 + NaCl ? AgCl + NaNO$3 is the example of:",,"Single displacement","Double displacement","Precipitation","Both b and c","4"
427,"The ratio of Nitrogen and Hydrogen in Ammonia by volume is:",,"1:14","3:1","1:3","None","3"
428,"Which of these turn blue litmus paper into real?",,"Na$2CO$3","NaOH","FeCl$3","KCl","3"
429,"Example of Alkali metal is:",,"Na","Ca","Sr","All of them","1"
430,"Which of the following is Lewis Acid?",,"HCl","H$2SO$4","CaO","AlCl$3","4"
431,"Which of the following is true about transitional elements?",,"They lie in d-block","They have variable valency","They have coloured ions","All of them","2"
432,"Temporary hardness of water is due to presence of:",,"CaCl$2","MgSO$4","Mg(HCO$3)$2","None","3"
433,"Which one of the following is metalloid?",,"F","Sb","Ba","Ni","2"
434,"General formula of soap is:",,"R COONa","(R COO)Mg","(R COO)Ca","None","1"
435,"General formula of alkyl group is:",,"CnH$2n+2","CnH$2n+1","CnH$2n","CnH$2n-2","2"
436,"How many gram of oxygen is present in 36gram of water?",,"16gram","32gram","8gram","None","2"
437,"Molecular formula of Litharge is",,"PbS","Pb(NO$3)$2","PbO","None","3"
438,"Which of these are neutral salt?",,"NaCl","NaNO$3","Na$2SO$4","All of them","4"
439,"Total number of groups in modern long periodic table are:",,"18","9","7","16","1"
440,"Blood is example of",,"True solution","Colloidal Solution","Suspension","None","2"
441,"Molecular formula of urea fertilizer is:",,"(NH$4)$2.SO$4","NH$4NO$3","(NH$4)$3.PO$4","CO(NH$2)$2","4"
442,"Atoms of the same element which have same atomic number but different atomic mass are known as:",,"isotones","isobars","isotopes","none","3"
443,"What happens when silver is treated with dil hydrochloric acid?",,"Silver chloride id formed","Hydrogen gas is evolved","Oxygen gas is evolved.","It does not react with dil HCl.","4"
444,"Father of chemistry is:",,"Lavosier","Berzelius","Dalton","None","1"
445,"The composition of bronze is:",,"Cu + Zn","Cu + Zn + Ni","Cu + Sn","None","3"
446,"What is the M.F. of Sodium metaluminate?",,"NaAlO$2","Na$3AlO$3","AlCl$3","Na$2AlO$2","1"
447,"When steam is passed over heated Iron, we get:",,"FeO + H$2","Fe$3O$4 + H$2","Fe$2O$3 + H$2","None","2"
448,"Which of the following number is Avogadro’s Number?",,"6.023 × 10#25","6.023 × 10#-23","6.023 × 10#23","None","3"
449,"An 8g sample of oxygen contains the same number of atoms as 16 g of element X. What is the relative atomic mass of X?",,"4","8","16","32","4"
450,"Which of the following element is the most reactive?",,"H","Na","K","Li","3"
451,"In which electrolyte would a carbon cathode increase in mass during electrolysis?",,"aq. Copper (i) sulphate","concentrated hydrochloric acid","concentrated aq. Sodium chloride","dilute sulphuric acid","1"
452,"The secondary cell that is generally used in out vehicle is:",,"Nickel Cadmium cell","Lead Acid cell","Platinum nickel cell","Lechlanche cell","2"
453,"After acidification with dilute nitric acid, a colorless solution of X reacts with aq. Silver nitrate to give a white precipitate. What could X be?",,"calcium iodide.","Lead (II) chloride","Lead (II) iodide","Sodium chloride","4"
454,"Which statement about an element which has seven outer electrons in its atoms, is correct?",,"it is always mono atomic","it forms a electrovalent compound with hydrogen","it forms a negative ion","it forms covalent compounds with group I elements","3"
455,"The ion XH$4+ is a action radical. To which group in the periodic table does X belong to?",,"II","III","IV","V","4"
456,"Molten cryolite, Na$3AlF6, is used in the extraction of aluminium. Why is cryolite used?",,"It acts as a catalyst","It dissolves aluminium oxide","It increases the purity of the aluminium","It removes impurities as slag","2"
457,"Which of the following processes does not result in the formation of both carbon dioxide and water?",,"addition of a dilute acid to a carbonate","burning ethanol","burning methane","heating crystals of anhydrous sodium carbonate","4"
458,"Which fertilizer provides the most nitrogen per mole?",,"NH$4NO$3","NaNO$3","(NH$4)$3PO$4","(NH$4)$2SO$4","3"
459,"Which of the following is not a use for chlorine?",,"sterilizing water","making domestic bleaches","making table salt","manufacturing plastics","3"
460,"Which ion is present in the highest concentration in a 2 mol /dm3 aq. Solution of sodium sulphate?",,"the hydrogen ion, H$+","the hydroxide ion, OH$-","the sodium ion, Na$+","the sulphate ion , SO$42$-","1"
461,"The ionic equation for a reaction is shown below
Ba2+ + SO42- ? BaSO¬¬¬4
Methane is used as a fuel. What property is essential for this use?",,"it is odourless","it burns exothermically","it is a gas","it has a low boiling point","2"
462,"Methane is used as a fuel. What property is essential for this use?",,"it is odourless","it burns exothermically","it is a gas","it has a low boiling point","4"
463,"Which natural resource is being depleted by the manufacture of plastics?",,"air","fossil fuels","metal ores","water","4"
424,"What is CH$4O?",,"Alkene","Alkane","Alcohol","Carbohydrat","3"
425,"Basic property of separation of metals is ---",,"Mass","Volume","Density","Melting Point","4"
426,"F, O, Cl, N what elements is missing hare?",,"Mg","Na","NaCl","C","5"
427,"If the formula of an Aluminium compound is AlX, which of the following is true?",,"(NH$4)$3X","NH$4X","NH$4X$2","NH4X$3","1"
428,"What is the exact weight of one atom of hydrogen?",,"1 gm","1 amu","1.008 g","1.008 amu","4"
429,"When amonium salt is heated with alkali, we get gas ---",,"N$2","NH$2","N$2O","NO$2","2"
430,"When sulphur dioxide reacts with base, what is formed?",," Sulphite","Sulphate","Sulphur","Sulphide","1"
431,"Which of the following is impure?",,"Bauxite","Water","NaCl","Magnetium oxide","1"
464,"The soap with the formula C$17H$35COONa is:",,"acid","an alcohol","an ester","a salt","3"
465,"A student added aqueous sodium hydroxide to a salt X. On warming, a gas was evolved which turned litmus blue. Which ion was present in X?",,"Cl-","H+","NH$4+","NO3-","1"
466,"When aq. ethanoic acid was added to ethanol, a sweet smelling liquid was produced. What type of reaction occurred?",,"esterification","hydrolysis","oxidation","reduction","4"
467,"Water containing a little dilute sulphuric acid was electrolysed, using carbon electrodes. If 20 cm$3 of oxygen were produced, what was the volume of hydrogen produced?",,"10cm#3","20 cm#3","30 cm#3","40 cm#3","4"
468,"A neutral atom of sodium, Na, has 11 electrons, 11 protons and 12 neutrons. Which symbol represents its nuclide?",,"11Na#11","11Na#12","11Na#22","11Na#23","3"
469,"Which substance is a reducing agent in the production of iron?",,"air","carbon dioxide","carbon monoxide","limestone","3"
470,"An atom of element X is represented by 3X#7. Which statement about an atom of X is correct?",,"It is in Group III of the Periodic Table","It is in Group VII of the Periodic Table","The total number of protons and electrons is 6","The total number of protons and neutrons is 10.","3"
471,"Which statement about the graphite is not true?",,"it burns to form carbon dioxide","it is a carbon compound","it is a macromolecule.","it is used as lubricant.","4"
472,"In which pair of substances, does each have a giant molecular structure?",,"diamond, iodine","diamond, silica (sand)","iodine, methane","methane, silica (sand)","3"
473,"In which substance is each carbon atom covalently bonded to only three other atoms?",,"carbon dioxide","diamond","graphite","methane","3"
473,"Which of the following, when added to water, makes a solution that is a good conductor of electricity?",,"calcium carbonate","copper","ethanol","sodium hydroxide","4"
474,"The pH of an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid is 2. What will be the pH of the acid after the addition of 10 g of sodium chloride?",,"1","2","7","9","2"
475,"Which of the following is the best method of obtaining pure water from ink?",,"chromatography","distillation","filtration","freezing","2"
476,"Which ions must be present in the fertilizer?",,"NH$4+ and NO#3-","NH$4+ and Fe$2+","Fe#2+ and SO$4#2-","Fe#3+ and NO#3-","1"
478,"A gas Y does not burn in air and has no effect on moist indicator paper. What could be Y?",,"Ammonia","Carbon dioxide","Hydrogen","Nitrogen","4"
479,"An element X has two isotopes. How does #238X isotope differ from 235X isotope?",,"It has 3 more protons and 3 more electrons","It has 3 more protons, but no more electrons.","It has 3 more neutrons and 3 more electrons","It has 3 more neutrons, but no more electrons","4"
479,"How many electrons are present in N shell of Cu+ ?",,"0","1","2","3","1"
480,"No single acid can dissolve gold. It dissolves in aqua to give auric chloride. What is aqua regia?",,"conc. HNO$3 and conc. HCI in the ratio of 3:1","conc. HNO$3 and conc. H$2SO4 in the ratio of 1:3","conc. HNO$3 and conc. HCI in the ratio of 1:3","conc. H$2SO$4 and conc. HCI in the ratio of 1:3","3"
481,"Diamond is the hardest substance in which each carbon atom is bonded with four other carbon atoms. Diamond is:",,"an organic compound","a covalent compound","an ionic compound","an element","4"
482,"Magnetite is an ore of",,"Manganese","Copper","Iron","Magnesium","3"
483,"Nitrogen is prepared by heating:",,"Ammonium nitrat","Ammonium nitrite","Mixture of ammonium chloride and sodium nitrate","Conc. HNO$3","2"
484,"An element X in-group I of the periodic table reacts with an element Y in group VI of the periodic table to from a compound with formula:",,"XY","XY$2","XY$3","X$2Y","4"
485,"Nitrogen is prepared by heating:",,"Nitric acid","Ammonium chloride","Ammonium nitrite.","Solution of ammonium chloride and sodium nitrate","3"
486,"What is water?",,"Covalent compound","An electrovalent compound","A coordinate covalent compound","None of the above","1"
487,"DDT is an example of:",,"Fertilizer","Plastic","Fibre","Insecticide","4"
488,"Elements present in group I are called:",,"alkaline earth metals","alkali metals","reactive non metals","noble gases","2"
489,"Latin name of mercury is:",,"Natrium","Hydrargyrum","Kalium","Ferrum","2"
490,"When a burning piece of magnesium is introduced in a jar containing carbon dioxide, the product formed are:",,"magnesium carbonate and water","magnesium oxide and carbon","magnesium carbonate and carbon","magnesium carbonate only","2"
491,"Carbonic acid is prepared by the action of:",,"CO$2 and H$2O","CO and H$2O","CO$2 and Ca(OH)$2","CO and H$2SO$4","1"
492,"The reaction Zn + H$2SO$4 ? ZnSO$4 + H$2 is an example of:",,"displacement reaction","combination reaction","Decomposition reaction","Acid –Base reaction","1"
493,"The solubility of salt in wager is 40 at 25ÂșC. The amount of water required to dissolve 120g at the same temperature is:",,"3 kg","300g","400g","30g","2"
494,"The molecular formula of quick lime is:",,"CaCO$3","KOH","Na$2CO$3","CaO","4"
495,"The number of electrons in Mg++ is:",,"12","14","10","2","3"
496,"All alkalis are hydroxide of metals except:",,"Caustic potash","magnesium hydroxide","Slaked lime","ammonium hydroxide","4"
1,"Bakelite plastic is example of:",,"Thermoplastic","Thermosetting","a and b","None","2"
2,"From the given mixture of sand + iodine, Iodine is separated by:",,"Distillation","Sublimation","Crystallization","None","2"
3,"Black ink is separated into different colour by:",,"Sublimation","Chromatography","Distillation","None","2"
4,"Peptic ulcer patient is treated with",,"Al(OH)$3","Mg(OH)$2","a and b","None","3"
5,"If wasp bites, we use generally:",,"vinegar","calamine lotion","Hydrochloric acid","None","1"
6,"The example of group vth of the periodic table is:",,"sodium","aluminum","oxygen","nitrogen","4"
7,"If honey bee bites, we use:",,"calamine lotion","vinegar","caustic soda","None","1"
8,"Valency of phosphate is:",,"1","2"," 3","none","3"
9,"The M.F. of calamine lotion is:",,"ZnCO$3","ZnS","ZnCl$2","None","1"
10,"The subatomic particle of an atom, which has no charge is known as:",,"Proton","Neutron","Electron","None","2"
11,"If we go from top to bottom in the same group, the electro negativity of the element:",,"Increases","Decreases","No any change","None","2"
12,"The water which contain calcium bicarbonate and calcium chloride is:",,"Temporary","Permanent","a and b","None","3"
13,"If we go from left to right in the periodic table the acidic character of the element:",,"increases","decreases","no any change","None","1"
14,"If we go from left to right in the same period, the atomic radius of the element:",,"Increases","Decreases","No any change","None","2"
15,"Give example of one covalent compound formed in between Gr-I and Gr-IV.",,"NaCl","CH$4"," Na$2O","HCl","2"
16,"If sodium nitrite is heated with ammonium chloride, we get gas like:",,"NH$3","N$2","O$2","None","2"
17,"If slaked lime is heated with salammoniac, we get gas like:",,"NH$3","N$2","O42","None","1"
18,"If sodium perioxide is reacted with water, we get a gas like:",,"H$2","O$2","CO$2","None","2"
19,"Give example of one electrovalent compound formed in between Gr-I and Gr-VII is:",,"Na$2O","KCl","CaCl$2","None","2"
20,"If water contains calcium sulphate compound, hardness is separated by:",,"lime water","boiling","washing soda"," None","3"
21,"The molecular formula of galena is:",," ZnS","HgS","PbS","None","3"
22,"Carbon has valency of 4 in CH$4 and CO$2. Find the valency of carbon in C$2H$6.",,"1","2","3","4","4"
23,"The molecular formula of baking soda is:",,"Na$2 CO$3","CaCO$3","NaHCO$3","None","3"
24,"Diamond is example of:",,"Sedimentary","Igneous","Metamorphic","None","3"
25,"Galvanized iron is protected from rusting because it has a coating of:",,"Pb","Cu","Zn","None","3"
26,"Solubility curve of sodium chloride in water with rise of temperature:",,"Increased rapidly","Slightly increase","No any change in solubility","None","2"
27,"The molecular formula of rust is:",,"FeO","Fe$3O$4","Fe$2O$3.XH$2O","None","3"
28,"When potassium nitrate is heated, we get a gas, which is absorbed by alkaline pyrogallate solution is:",,"H$2","NH$3","O$2","None","3"
29,"The smallest particle of matter which, generally participates in chemical resection but has no free of existence is known as:",,"atom","molecule","element","none","1"
30,"The chemical formula of Pyrex glass is:",,"Aluminum silicate","Aluminum boron silicate","Boron silicate","None","3"
31,"Thickening of window glass after sometime is known as:",,"Hydration","Hygroscopy","Super cooling","None","3"
32,"Lunar eclipse takes place:",,"Every moon day","Moon day","New moon day","None","4"
33,"Hottest part of the earth is:",,"Crust","Mantle","Inner core","None","3"
34,"Protein is the example:",,"Natural polymer","Artificial","Man made","none","1"
35,"Blood is example of:",,"Colloidal solution","True solution","Suspension","None","1"
36,"Particle size of solute in true solution is:",,"100 – 1000 A#o","1 – 10 A#o","4000 – 7000 A#o","None","2"
37,"If the solubility of compound is 25 at 30#oC, find the salt deposited from 50 gram of its saturated solution at 30#oC is:",,"100","10","15","150","2"
38,"% of silica in ordinary glass:",,"15%","25%","50%","None","3"
39,"Formalin is used as:",,"Insecticides","Pesticide","Antiseptic","None","3"
40,"B.H.C is used as:",,"antiseptic","disinfectant","insecticide","None","3"
41,"The gas which is neither supporter of combustion nor combustible in nature is:",,"N$2","O$2","H$2","None","1"
42,"The aqueous solution of gas which turns red to blue litmus paper is:",,"CO$2","O$2","NH$3","None","3"
43,"The gas which is collected in gas jar by down ward displacement of water is known as:",,"CO$2","N$2","CO","Both b and c","4"
44,"The gas which is collected in gas jar by upward displacement of air is:",,"NH$3","CO$2","CO","None","2"
45,"PVC is example of:",,"Natural polymer","Synthetic polymer","a and b","None","2"
46,"When sodium metal is treated with water, we get a gas, which is adsorbed by palladium metal is:",,"O$2","CO$2","H$2","None","3"
47,"The father of chemistry is:",,"Dalton","Lavoiser","Rutherford","none","2"
48,"The nucleus of atom is discovered by:",,"Avogadro","Rutherford","Dalton","None","2"
49,"The chemical properties of the elements are determined by:",,"atomic number","atomic mass","neutron","None","1"
50,"The molecule term is given by:",,"Dalton","Rutherford","Avogadro","None","3"
51,"Which of the following compound is not organic compound?",,"CO$2","CO","CH$4","Both a and b","4"
52,"Which of the following chemical reaction is an example of decomposition reaction?",,"2Na + Cl$2 ? 2NaCl","N$2 + 3H$2 ? 2NH$3","2AgBr ? 2Ag + Br$2","Both a & c","3"
53,"What happens when sodium acetate is treated with sodium hydroxide in presence of calciumoxide?",,"Ethane gas is formed","Propane gas is formed","Methane gas is formed","All of the above","3"
54,"Which of the following compound is used as anaesthesia?",,"CCl$4","CHCl$3","CH$3Cl","CH$2Cl$2","4"
55,"Which of the following gas in biogas?",,"C$2H$6","CH$4","CO$2","CO","2"
56,"What is the M.F. of acetylene?",,"C$2H$4"," C$2H$2","C$2H$6","None of above","2"
57,"What is the M.F of ethanol?",,"CH$3OH","C$2H$5OH","C$3H$7OH","C$4H$9OH","2"
58,"Which of the following compound is called glycol?",,"CH$2OHCH$2OH","CH$2OHCHOHCH#2OH","C$2H$5OH","C$4H$9OH","1"
59,"What is the boiling point of alcohol?",,"78.6#oC","99#oC","80#oC","81#oC","1"
60,"Which of the following compound is soluble in water?",,"Ethane","Propane","Alcohol","Ether","3"
61,"What is the functional group of ether?",,"-OH","-O-","-NH$2","-CO","2"
62,"Which of the following compound is used in thermometer?",,"Ether","Alcohol","Potassium chloride","Sodium hydroxide","2"
63,"Which of the following compound is unsaturated compound?",,"CH$4","C$2H$6","C$3H$8","C$2H$4","4"
64,"Which of the following compound is iodoform?",,"CHI$3","CHBr$3","C$3H$8","C$2H$4","1"
65,"What is the general formula of alkyne?",,"CnH$2n-2","CnH$2n+2","CnH$2n","CnH$2n+1","1"
66,"Which of the following bond are found in alcohol?",,"Electrovalent bond","Covalent bond","Hydrogen bond","b and c","4"
67,"What is the M.F. of dimethyl ether?",,"C$2H$5OC$2H$5","CH$3OC$2H$5","CH$3OCH$3","None of the above","3"
68,"What is the boiling point of ether?",,"38#oC","35#oC","37#oC","36#oC","2"
69,"How many blocks are there in a periodic table?",,"1","2","5","4","4"
70,"Who introduced the modern periodic table?",,"John Newland","Lothar Meyer","Henery Moseley","John Dalton","3"
71,"How many elements are there in a Lanthanides series?",,"13","14","15","16","2"
72,"In which block of the periodic table should aluminum be placed?",,"s","p","d","f","2"
73,"How many elements are there in actinides series?",,"14","15","16","None of above","1"
74,"In which group of the periodic table should calcium be placed?",,"I-A","III-A","II-A","IV-A","3"
75,"How many valance electrons are there in an argon atom?",,"7","8","9","10","2"
76,"When, 20 gram of saturated solution is cooled from 60oC to 45oC, find the salt deposited. If the solubility of given salt at 60oC and 45oC are 45 and 40 respectively.",,"3 gram","4 gram","1 gram"," 0.68 gram","4"
77,"Which of the following element is the most reactive?",,"H","Li","K","Na","3"
78,"Which block of the periodic table should actinides group be placed?",,"s","p","d","f","4"
79,"Which of the following metal is called alkaline earth metal?",,"Li","Na","Ca","Al","3"
80,"In which group of the periodic table should halogen group be placed?",,"I-A","VI-A","III-A","VII-A","4"
81,"Which of the following element is also called electropositive element?",,"16","17","18","20","4"
82,"How many electrons are there in Ca++ ion?",,"13","20","11","18","4"
83,"Which of the following gas is also called noble gas?",,"O$2","Ne","Ar","Both b & c","4"
84,"What is the other name of lanthanides and actinides series?",,"Alkaline metal","Alkaline earth metal","Rare-earth element","None of the above","3"
85,"What is the gram molecular weight of oxygen molecule?",,"30 gram","32 gram","34 gram","40 gram","2"
86,"How many molecules are there in 1 mole of carbon-dioxide gas?",,"6.02x10#23 molecules","6.02x10#27 molecules","6.02x10#30 molecules","6.02x10#-32 molecules","1"
87,"Which of the following chemical reaction is not balanced?",,"C + O$2 ? CO$2","Cu + O$2 ? CuO","Zn + H$2SO$4 ? ZnSO$4 + H$2","CaCO$3 ? CaO + CO$2","2"
88,"Which of the following number is Avogadro’s number?",,"6.02x10#24","6.023x10#23","6.02x10#25","6.02x10#-23","2"
89,"Which of the following catalyst is used for the manufacturing of ammonia gas?",,"Ni","Fe/Mo","Cu","Sn","2"
90,"Which of the following gas is monatomic gas?",,"Cl$2","F$2","N$2","Xe","4"
91,"Which of the following chemical reaction is an example of acid-base reaction?",,"H$2SO$4 + CaO ? CaSO$4 + H$2Oz","2Zn + O$2 ? 2ZnO","2KClO$3 ? 2KCl + 3O$2","CaCO$3 ? CaO + CO$2","1"
92,"Tooth Paste is the example of:",,"colloids","solution","suspension","all of the above","1"
93,"In the given mixture of sand + camphor, camphor is separated by:",,"distillation process","sublimation process","evaporation process","decantation process","2"
94,"If the solubility of given compound at 30#oC is 40. Find the weight of solvent when 80 gram its saturated solution is heated at 30oC.",,"9.300 gram","22.8 gram","500 gram","600 gram","2"
95,"According to duplet rule, how many electrons are there in the valance shell?",,"3","4","5","2","4"
96,"Aqueous solution containing gas is example of:",,"brass","coca cola","salt solution","none of the above","2"
97,"For the solubility of given compound amount of solvent necessary is:",,"250 gram","100 gram","150 gram","105 gram","2"
98,"Generally, when the saturated solution is heated it becomes:",,"unsaturated","saturated","super saturated","none","1"
99,"From the given solution of NaCl + water, NaCl is separated by:",,"filtration","evaporation","sublimation","decantation","2"
100,"What happens when silver is treated with dil. Hydrochloric acid?",,"Silver chloride is formed","Hydrogen gas is evolved","Oxygen gas is evolved","It does not react with dill. Hydrochloric acid.","4"
101,"Mixture of alcohol and water is example of:",,"colloid","solution","suspension","all of the above","2"
102,"In which block of the periodic table should iron be placed?",,"s-block","p-block","f-block","d-block","4"
103,"Which of the following compound is called magnetic oxide of iron?",,"Fe$2O$3","Fe$3O$4","FeCO$3","FeO","2"
104,"What is the M.F. of sodium meta aluminate?",,"NaAlO$2","Na$3AlO$3","AlCl$3","NaCl","1"
105,"Which of the following is the At. No. of copper?",,"30","29","31","32","2"
106,"Which of the following is the ore of copper?",,"CuFeS$2","Cu$2S","CuCl$3","Both a & b","4"
107,"What is the specific density of the copper?",,"8","7.75","8.85","None of the above","3"
108,"Which of the following gas is evolved when coper is treated with conc. Sulphuric acid?",,"H$2S","SO$2","O$2","N$2","2"
109,"Which of the following metal is also called coinage metal?",,"Na","Li","Cu","Ca","3"
110,"Generally, ionic radius of cation decreases, due to:",,"decreased effective nuclear charge","increased effective nuclear charge","increased atomic number","none of the above","2"
111,"What is the M.F. of horn silver?",,"Ag$2S","(AgCu$2)$2S","AgCl","Ag","3"
112,"What is the specific density of gold?",,"20 gram/cm#3","19.3 gram/cm#3","21 gram/cm#3","24.3 gram/cm#3","2"
113,"Which of the following compound is used as a negative in a photography?",,"AgCl","AgI","AgBr","AgNO$3","3"
114,"What is the atomic wt. of gold",,"179","35","35.5","None","4"
115,"What is the M.F. of Auric chloride?",,"AuCl","AuBr$3","AuCl$3","AgBr.","3"
116,"% of oxygen in calcium oxide is:",,"28.4","56.8","60","None","1"
117,"Amalgam is:",,"an alloy","slag","flux","none","1"
118,"Slag is the product of:",,"Gangue","Gangue + Flux","Colloidal","None","2"
119,"The composition of brass is:",,"Cu + Sn","Cu + Zn","Cu + Hg","None","2"
120,"Which one of the following is true about transitional elements:",,"They have variable valency","They lie in d-block","They have coloured compounds","All of them","4"
121,"The composition of bronze is:",,"Cu + Zn","Cu + Zn + Ni","Cu + Sn","None","3"
122,"The composition of german silver is:",,"Cu + Zn","Cu + Sn","Cu + Zn + Ni","None","3"
123,"What is the M.F. of sodium zincate?",,"Na$2S","Na$2ZnO2","Na$2Z","None","2"
124,"What is the M.F. of gypsum?",,"Al$2O$3.SiO$2","CaSO$4.2H$2O","CaCO$3","All of the above","2"
125,"Which of the following glass is soluble in water?",,"Ordinary","Hard glass","Borosilicate glass","Water glass","4"
126,"Carbolic acid and formalin is reacted to each other, we get:",,"Polyethylene","Polyvinyl chloride","Bakelite plastic","None of the above","3"
127,"In the given example, which one is detergent?",,"Sodium stereate","Alkylbenzene sulphonate","DDT","Urea","2"
128,"Molecular formula of soap is:",,"C$17H$35COONa","SiO$2","AlCl$3","C$17H$35COOLi","1"
129,"P.V.C is the example of:",,"Thermoplastics","Thermosetting plastics","Both a and b","Non of the above","1"
130,"Atoms of the same element, which have same atomic number but different atomic mass are known as:",,"isobars","isotones","isotopes","None","3"
131,"In the given example, which is whole number?",,"Atomic mass","Atomic number"," Equivalent","None","2"
132,"Molecular formula of urea fertilizer is:",,"(NH$4)$2SO$4","CO(NH$2)$2","NH$4NO$3","KCl","2"
133,"Vital force theory was given by:",,"Dalton"," Lavoiser","Berzelius","None","3"
134,"Blood is the example of:",,"True solution","Colloidal","Suspension","None","2"
135,"Example of good conductor is:",,"Diamond","Coal","Graphite","None","3"
136,"Example of Metalloid is:",,"Be","Ge","As","All of them.","4"
137,"Example of normal element is:",,"K","Cu","Fe","None","1"
138,"Example of transitional element is:",,"Ca","Na","Cu","None","3"
139,"Phosphoric acid is used with hydrogen peroxide acts as:",,"–ve catalyst","+ve catalyst","Auto catalyst","None","1"
140,"MnO2 is used in the preparation of oxygen gas as:",,"+ve catalyst","–ve catalyst","Autocatalyst","None","1"
Here below are the most asked questions for entrance facing students.
Its in the format as below:
<Question Code> <Question> <Options> <Answer>
For example:
'...... 1,"Tapeworm has no digestive system because:",,"it is a parasite","it lives in intestine","it doesn’t need food","it absorbs its food from general body surface",4.........'
Here {1} is question code, {"Tapeworm has no digestive system because:" is question, "it is a parasite","it lives in intestine","it doesn’t need food","it absorbs its food from general body surface"} are choices and {4} is answer.
298,"Who has discovered molecule term?",,"Dalton","Avogadro","Rutherford","None","2"
299,"Who has discovered nucleus of the atom?",,"Avogadro","Rutherford","Neil Bohr","None","2"
300,"Galena is the ore of:",,"Silver","Magnesium","Lead","copper","3"
301,"Molecular formula of plaster of Paris is:",,"CaSO$4.H$2O","(CaSO$4)$2.H$2O","CaSO$4.2H$2O","None","2"
302,"Molecular formula of green vitriol is:",,"CuSO$4.5 H$2O","FeSO$4.7H$2O","ZnSO$4,. 7H$2O","MgSO$4.7H$2O","2"
303,"Which of the following statement is not true for ethyne gas?",,"It is an unsaturated hydrocarben","It is the monomer of benzene","It satisfies the formula Cn H$2n -2","Benzene is natural polymer","4"
304,"Haematite is the ore of:",,"Zinc","Copper","Iron","None","3"
305,"A gas Y burns in air and adsorbed by palladium metal is:",,"Nitrogen","Oxygen","Hydrogen","None","3"
306,"The gas which is obtained by heating potassium nitrate, is absorbed by alkaline pyrogallate solution is:",,"N$2","O$2","NH$3","NO$2","2"
307,"BHC is an example of:",,"Fertilizer","Antiseptic","Insecticides","None","3"
308,"Iodine of Tincture is:",,"Antiseptic","Analgesic","Both a and b","None","3"
309,"Molecular formula of Bleaching powder is:",,"Ca(OCl)Cl","CaOCl","Ca(OCl)$2","None","1"
310,"Molecular formula of lunar caustic is:",,"KOH","NaOH","AgNO$3","None","3"
311,"Litharge is the ore of:",,"Zinc","Lead","Tin","Iron","2"
312,"How many grams of NaOH are needed to make 100 gram of a 5% solution?",,"0.5","5","20","None","2"
313,"How many grams of CO$2 can be prepared from 150 gram of calcium carbonate reacting with an excess of hydrochloric acid solution?",,"66","22","33","None","1"
314,"All of the following are compounds except:",,"Copper Sulphate","Carbondioxide","Washing Soda","Air","4"
315,"In general, when metal oxides react with water, they form solutions that are:",,"Acidic","basic","Neutral","None","2"
316,"Electrolysis of a dilute sodium chloride solution results in the cathode product is",,"Sodium","Hydrogen","Chlorine","Oxygen","2"
317,"A component whose molecular mass in 90 grams contain 40.0% carbon, 6.67% Hydrogen and 53.33% oxygen. What is true formula for the compound?",,"C$2H$2OH","CH$2O$4","C$3H$6O$3","C$3HO$3","3"
318,"How many moles of CaO are needed to react with an excess of water to form 370 gram of calcium hydroxide?",,"1","5","3","4","2"
319,"An organic compound has been found to possess the empirical formula CH$2O and molecular weight 90. Give its molecular formula (C = 12, H = 1, O = 16)",,"CH$3COOH","HCOOH","C$6H$12O$6","C$3H$6O","4"
320,"An organic compound on analysis was found to contain 10.06% carbon, 0.84% hydrogen and 89.1% chlorine. Calculate its empirical formula.",,"CHCl$2","CH$2Cl$2","CH$2Cl$3","CHCl$3","4"
321,"Which one is physical change?",,"burning of S in air","burning of C in air","corrosion of metal","conversion of white phosphorus to red phosphorus","4"
322,"How much sodium iodide will saturate 60 grams of water at 20°C, if its solubility be 178.",,"100","96","106.8","206","3"
323,"How many electrons are present in Fe+++ ion?",,"23","24","25","26","1"
324,"20 gram of a solution saturated with a salt at 80°C is cooled to 30oC. How much of the salt will crystalise out of the solution, if its solubility at 80°C and 30°C are 100 and 25 respectively?",,"15 gram","9 gram","6 gram","7.5 gram","4"
325,"When the ammonium nitrite is heated, we get:",,"O$2","N$2","NH$3","None","2"
326,"The ionic compound formed in between Gr I and Gr VII in periodic table is:",,"CaCl$2","AlCl$3","CCl$4","NaCl","4"
327,"You are given AgCl in aqueous solution, how would you separate AgCl?",,"sublimation","atmolysis","solvent extraction","filtration","4"
328,"Calculate the total no. of electrons present in 1.6 gm of methane if gram mol. weight of methane = 16g.",,"6.023 × 10#23","6.023 × 10#-23","6.023 ×10#21","6.023 × 10#20","1"
329,"Element used in photoelectric cell is:",,"Li","Na","Cs","Fr","3"
330,"The number of water molecules present in 1 litre of water is:",,"18","18 × 1000","NA","55.55NA","4"
331,"Which has maximum number of atoms?",,"24 gm of C(12)","56 g of Fe (56)","26 gm of Al (27)","108 gm of Ag (108)","1"
332,"Positron is anti-particle of electron. Positron is:",,"-1e#0","+1e#0","1H#1","+1e#-1","2"
333,"The correct ground state electronic configuration of chromium atom (At No: 24) is:",,"[Ar] 3d54s1","[Ar]3d4s2","[Ar]3d6s6","[Ar]4d54s1","1"
334,"Diagonal relationship is shown by elements of second period. Diagonal relation exists between:",,"Li and Mg","Na and Mg","K and Mg","Al and Mg","1"
335,"If the valence shell structure of an element is ns2np5, this element belong to:",,"alkali metal","inert metal","alkaline earth metal","halogens","4"
336,"The size of following species in increasing order is correct in:",,"I-<I<I+","I< I+ < I-","I+<I<I-","I-<I+<I","3"
337,"Which of the following has highest affinity for haemoglobin?",,"CO$2","CO","C","Blood","2"
338,"The liquefied petroleum gas mainly contains:",,"methane + ethane","ethane + propane","butane + isobutene","methane + propane","3"
339,"Commercially Hydrogen is obtained from:",,"coal gas","oil gas","marsh gas","producer gas","3"
340,"The acid anhydride of HNO$3 is:",,"NO$2","N$2O$4","NO$3","N$2O$5","3"
341,"Tear gas is chemically:",,"acetyl salicylic acid","chloropicrin","phenyl isocyanide","carbon monoxide","2"
342,"Which of the following is indicator of progress and prosperity of country?",,"HCL","HNO$3","Aquaregia","H$2SO$4","4"
343,"Formation of Vanaspati Ghee from soyabean oil with hydrogen in presence of heated nickel catalyst is known as:",,"Esterification","Hydrogenation","Hardening of oil","Both b and c","4"
344,"When Carbon-dioxide gas is passed through lime water up to saturation, we get colourless compound due to formation of:",,"Ca(OH)$2","CaCO$3","Ca(HCO$3)$2","None","3"
345,"The property of carbon to form long chain is called:",,"catenation","complex character","isomerism","vital force theory","1"
346,"Ores of copper metal is:",,"Galena","Azurite","Magnetite","None","2"
347,"FeCl$3 is example of ----- salt.",,"Acidic","Basic","Neutral","None","1"
348,"General formula of alkyl group is:",,"CnH$2n+2","CnH$2n","CnH$2n-2","CnH$2n+1","4"
349,"Water containing HCO3-- is removed by:",,"Boiling","Clarck’s method","Washing soda","both a and b","4"
350,"Molecular weight of heavy water is:",,"16","18","20","None","3"
351,"Maximum number of electrons in M shell is:",,"2","18","8","32","2"
352,"Number of electron present in 13Al+++ ion is:",,"13","10","16","None","2"
353,"Example of metalloid is:",,"Al","Fe","Cu","Sb","4"
354,"Very long periodic table consists of ----- groups",," 9","7","18","None","3"
355,"Example of amphoteric oxide is",,"CaO","SiO2","ZnO","CO","3"
356,"Atoms of different element, which have same neutron number but different atomic number are known as:",,"Isotopes","Isobars","Isotones","None","3"
357,"The relative abundance of two isotopes of At. Wt 85 and 87 is 75% and 25% respectively. The average atomic weight of element is:",,"75.5","85.5","87.5","86","2"
358,"Molecular formula of sodium metaluminate is:",,"Na$3AlO$3","Na$2AlO","NaAlO$2","None","3"
359,"C$4H$6 is example of:",,"Alkane","Alkene","Alkyne","Alkyl","3"
360,"Those chemical substances which donate proton are known as:",,"Acid","Base","Salt","None","1"
361,"Thickening of glass at the bottom after sometime is known as:",,"Annealing","Super cooling","Hardening","None","2"
362,"Different forms of same element, which have similar chemical properties but different physical properties are known as:",,"Isomerism","Allotropy","Polymorphism","both b and c","4"
363,"When ammonuium nitrite is heated, we get:",,"N$2+H$2O","N$2O+H$2O","NO+H$2O","None","1"
364,"The chemical substances, which absorbs moisture from atmosphere to become wet are known as:",,"Effloresecnce","Deliquesence","Saponification","None","2"
365,"Hydrogen is absorbed by Pt, Pd, N. The process of absorbtion of hydrogen is called:",,"emulsion","occlusion","effusion","diazotization","2"
366,"PbO$2 is:",,"acidic","basic","amphoteric","anhydride","3"
367,"Drying agent of ammonia is CaO, absorbent of NH$3 is:",,"conc. HCl","conc. H$2SO$4","fused CaCl$2","conc. HNO$3","3"
368,"What will be the number of moles in 13.5 gm of SO$2Cl$2?",,"0.1","1","10","100","1"
369,"What will be the number of moles of oxygen in one litre of air containing 21% of oxygen by volume under the standard condition?",,"2100/22400","210/224","21/224","21/2240","4"
370,"Which of the following principle limits the maximum number of electrons in orbital to 2?",,"Afbau principle","Pauli’s exclusion principle","Hunds","Heisenberg Uncertainty principle","2"
371,"Which of the following is not base?",,"NaOH","P(OH)$3","Al(OH)$3","ZnO","2"
372,"The coupling between the base unit of DNA is through:",,"Hydrogen bonding","Electrostatic bonding","Covalent bonding","Resonance","1"
373,"H$2O$2 is:",,"Hydrogen peroxide","oxygenated water","bleaching agent","all","4"
374,"Oxygen is used to purify water because:",,"oxygen is paramagnetic","absorbs harmful uv-radiation","destroys virus and bacteria","oxygen is reducing agent","3"
375,"Bakelite is thermosetting plastic. It is polymer of:",,"acetaldehyde + carbolic acid","formaldehyde + carbolic acid","Formaldehyde + Benzoic acid","Acetaldehyde + Benzoic acid","2"
376,"When excess of sodium hydroxide reacts with sulphuric acid, the resultant solution will have pH.",,"less than 7","equal to 7","more than 7","it cannot be predicted","3"
377,"Wine i.e alcoholic beverage is:",,"CH$3OH","C$6H$6","C$2H$5OH","C$3H$7OH","3"
378,"The least no. of carbon atom in alkane forming isomers is:",,"3","4","5","6","2"
379,"Substance which bring body temperature down is called:",,"Antipyretics","Analgesics","Antibiotics","None","1"
381,"Dolomite is chemically known as:",,"MgCO$3 + CaCO$3","MgOH + CaCO$3","MgCO$3 + Ca(OH)$2","None","1"
382,"Sylvine is:",,"FeCl$3","MgCl","KCl","AuCl","3"
383,"The first person to receive Nobel prize in chemistry is:",,"Rutherford","Chadwick","Lavoiser","Vant Hoff","4"
384,"Fractional distillation is used for separation of two miscible liquid and is based on difference in boiling points of two liquids. Fractional crystallization is based on:",,"Nature of crystal","weight of crystal","colour of crystal","solubility of solids in solvent","4"
385,"Which of the following pairs of gases contain same number of molecules?",,"16 gm of O$2 and 14 gm of N$2","8 gm of O$2 and 22 gm of CO$2","28 gm of N$2 and 22 gm of C$12","32 gm of O$2 and 32 gm of N$2","1"
386,"The percentage of nitrogen in urea is:",,"46%","23 %","28%","18%","1"
387,"Which of the following compound contains both ionic and covalent bond?",,"CH$4","H$2","KCN","CH$3Cl","3"
388,"Which of the following is most electronegative?",,"Oxygen","Chlorine","Fluorine","Iodine","3"
389,"Hardness of water is due to which pair of ion?",,"Ca#2+ and K#+","Mg#2+ and K#+","Ca#2+ and Mg#+","Ba#2+ and Zn#2+","3"
390,"Lunar caustic is:",,"AgCl","AgNO$3","Pb(NO$3)$2","NaNO$3","2"
391,"Which of the following is an acid salt?",,"Zn(OH) Br","Ca(HS)$2","NaCl","KCl","2"
392,"Valency of aluminate is:",,"-3","+3","-1","+1","1"
393,"Total number of elements present in 7th period is:",,"17","18","19","None","4"
394,"Boron is diagonal relation ship with:",,"Si","Na","Al","Mg","1"
395,"Stainless steel contains:",,"Fe + Cr + Ni + Ag","Fe + Cr + Ni + C","Cu + Zn + Ni","None","2"
396,"11-2 litre of steam contains ----- gram of hydrogen.",,"1 g","2 g","3 g","4 g","1"
397,"Molecular formula of calcium hypochlorite is",,"Ca (OCl3)$2","Ca (OCl2)$2","Ca (ClO)$2","None","3"
398,"Increase in oxidation number is known as:",,"Oxidation","Reduction","Reductant","Both a & c","4"
399,"When we go prom left to right in the same period, the atomic radius of the element:",,"Increases","Decreases","No any change","None","2"
400,"Formation of ethyl acetate fro acetic acid and ethyl alcohol in presence:",,"Etherification","Saponification","Esterification","None","3"
401,"When mixture of potassium hydroxide and ammonium ehloride is heated, we get a gas like:",,"N$2","NH$3","N$2O","NO","2"
402,"Which of the following is insoluble in water?",,"NaCl","CaCl$2","AgCl","BaCl$2","3"
403,"The example of noble metal is:",,"Argon","Iron","Palladium","Calcium","3"
404,"Example of anhydride of aqua fortis is:",,"N$2O$3","N$2O","NO","N$2O$5","4"
405,"Formation of sodium metal from fused sodium chloride is the example of:",,"Synthesis reaction","Analysis reaction","Reversible reaction","None","3"
406,"Burning of candle is:",,"Physical","Chemical","Both a and b","None","3"
407,"Water is ----- in nature.",,"Acidic","Basic","Amphoteric","None","3"
408,"When steam is passed over heated iron, we get:",,"FeO+H$2","Fe$2O$3+H$2","Fe$3O$4+H$2","None","3"
409,"20 gram saturated solution of given compound is heated at 80oC and cooled to 30oC, find the salt deposited, when the temperature is decreased from 80oC to 30oC, if the solubility of given compound at 80oC and 30oC are 100 and 25 respectively.",,"6gm","15gm","7.5 gm","None","3"
410,"Molecular formula of bleaching powder is:",,"Ca (OCl)Cl","Ca (OCl)$2","Ca Ocl$2","both a and c","4"
411,"When the mixture of sodium nitrite and ammonium chloride is heated, we get gas:",,"H2","O$2","N$2","NH$3","3"
412,"When sodium acetate is heated with soda lime, we get:",,"C$2H$6","C$2H$4","C$2H$2","CH$4","4"
413,"Those chemical substances which accept lone pair of electrons are known as:",,"Acid","Base","Salt","None","1"
414,"Those chemical substances in which there is increase in oxidation number is known as:",,"Oxidation","Reduction","Reductant","Both a and c","4"
415,"NH$4Cl is example of ----- salt.",,"Acidic","Basic","Neutral","None","1"
416,"Example of amphoteric oxide:",,"Na$2O","P$2O$5","SnO","N$2O","3"
417,"When we go form left to right in the same period, the atomic radius of the element:",,"Increases","Decreases","No change","None","2"
418,"Be has diagonal relation ship with:",,"Li","Na","Al","Si","3"
419,"SO$3 is an anhydride of:",,"H$2SO$3","H$2SO$4","H$2S$2O$7","None","2"
420,"If the empirical formula of the given compound is CH$2O and its molecular weight is 180 a.m.u., find the molecular formula of the given compound.",,"CH$3COOH","C$3H$6O$3","C$6H$12O$6","None","3"
421,"Mixture containing NaCl + Water, NaCl is separated by:",,"Distillation","Sublimation","Evaporation","Both (a) and ©","4"
422,"What is the nature of Sodium metal?",,"Malleable","Ductile","Both a and b","Soft","4"
423,"Permanent hardness of water is due to presence of:",,"Ca(HCO$3)$2","Mg(HCO$3)$2","CaCl$2","None","3"
432,"Isotopes have ---",,"same at. No","different no. of neutrons","same no. of neutrons","both a and b","4"
433,"General formula of cycloalkane is ---",,"CnH$2n+2","C$nH$2n","C$nH$2n+1","C$nH$2n-2","2"
434,"The general formula of diene is ---",,"C$nH$2n+2","C$nH$2n","C$nH$2n-2","C$nH$2n+1","3"
435,"Calomel is the ore of ---",,"Calcium","Cadmium","Chromium","Mercury","4"
436,"The mass of a neutron is of the order of ---",,"10#-23 Kg","10#-24 Kg","10#-26 Kg","10#-27 Kg","4"
437,"The maximum number of electrons are ---",,"71g in chlorine","120g in magnesium","127g in iodine","4g in hydrogen","2"
438,"Which is the electron deficient molecule?",,"CH$4","BF$3","NH$3","H$2O","2"
339,"A pressure cooker reduces cooking time because ---",,"the heat is more evenly distributed.","the higher pressure tenderizes the food.","the boiling point of water inside is elevated.","a large flame is used.","2"
340,"Under the same conditions 22g of carbondioxide will have the same volume as 22g of ---",,"dinitrogen oxide","nitrogen","carbon monoxide","nitrogen dioxide","1"
341,"Which of the follwing elements does not show the allotropy?",,"C","S$8","P$4","I$2","4"
342,"Which of the following will displace Br2 from an aqueaus solution of NaBr?",,"I$2","Cl$2","Cl#–","I3#–","2"
343,"The molecualr formula of Litharge is ---",,"PbS","ZnO","HgO","PbO",
344,"Which of the following is not organic compound?",,"CO$2","CH$4","CCl$4","CH$3CHO","1"
345,"Which one of the following is called aqua fortis?",,"HNO$3","H$2SO$4","HCl","H$2CO$3","1"
0,"Rutherford's atomic model is based on ---",,"?-rays scattering experiment","?-rays scattering experiment","?-rays scattering experiment","?-rays scattering experiment","1"
0,"Impurities present in the ore are called",,"Gangue","Slag","Flux","None","1"
0,"Al#+++, Mg#++, Na#+ are #---",," Isotopes","Isobars","Isoelectronic ions","Isotones","3"
0,"Which of the following is lightest radioactive element?",,"Protium"," Deuterium","Iridium","Vranium","3"
0,"Which one of the following is not possible?",,"2d","3p","4d","5f","1"
0,"ZnO is an amphoteric because ---",,"ZnO reacts with HCl only","ZnO reacts with both acid and alkali","ZnO does not react with both acid and alkali","None of these","2"
0,"Camphor can be separated from the mixture of sand and camphor by ---",,"Sublimation","Filtration","Distillation","Crystallisation","1"
0,"Which of the following is the non-metallic basic radical?",,"Cd#2+","Hg#++","NH#4+","H#+","2"
0,"Which of the following is not a true peroxide?",,"Na$2O$2","Na$2O$2","K$2O$2","BaO$2","2"
0,"The metals which can be used as anode is electrolysis of any kind of electrolyte is",,"Cu","Pt","Zn","Al","2"
0,"Which one of the following oxide gives oxygen gas when heated?",,"Na$2O","MgO","Ag$2O","CaO","3"
0,"What will be the colour of universal indicator when dipped in a solution having pH 4.5?",,"Red","Yellw","Light green","Greenish blue","3"
0,"Acid-base reaction is basically",,"Addition reaction","Decomposition reaction","Single displacement","Double displacement","4"
0,"Which of the following when treated with water gives H$2S gas?",," MgSO$4","MgSO$3","MgS","(NH$4) SO$4","3"
0,"Rock salt is the ore of",,"Na","Cs","Si","Fe","1"
0,"Which of the following glass is used to make gems?",,"Hard glass","Flint glass","Quartz glass","Pyrex glass","3"
0,"Brown coloured glass is prepared by heating simple glass with",," FeO","NiO","Cr$2O$3","MnO","1"
0,"The acid anhydride of H3PO4 is:",,"P$2O$3","P$2O$5","PO$4","PO$3","2"
0,"The size of following species in increasing order is correct is",,"I#-<I<I#+","I<#+I<I#-","I#+<I<I#-","I#-<I+<I#-","3"
0,"The correct ground state electronic configuration of chromium atom (At. no: 24) is:",,"[Ar] 3d#5 4s#1","[Ar] 3d6s#2","[ar]3d#6s#6","[Ar] 4d#54s#1","1"
0,"The example of reversible reaction is the formation of:",,"NH$3 from N$2+H$2","HCl from H$2+Cl$2","NaCl by neutralization","None","1"
0,"Which of the following is incorrect statement?",,"All the atoms of same element are alike","Atoms of same isotopes are alike",,,"1"
0,"Hydrogen is adsorbed by Pt, Pd to give solid gas solution is known as:",,"emulsion","occlusion","effusion","diazotization","2"
0,"The relative abundance of two isotopes of At wt 85 and 87 is 75% and 25% respectively. The accurate atomic weight of the element is:",,"75.5","85.5","87.5","86","2"
0,"Calomel is:",,"HgCl$2","Hg$2Cl$2","KCl","CaCl$2","2"
0,"M shell has --- orbitals.",,"2","6","9","16","3"
0,"The percentage of nitrogen in Urea is:",,"23%","18%","46%","28%","3"
424,"Molecular formula of Lunar Caustic is:",,"NaOH","KOH","AgNO$3","AgCl","3"
425,"pH of distilled water is:",,"4","7","10","None","2"
426,"AgNO$3 + NaCl ? AgCl + NaNO$3 is the example of:",,"Single displacement","Double displacement","Precipitation","Both b and c","4"
427,"The ratio of Nitrogen and Hydrogen in Ammonia by volume is:",,"1:14","3:1","1:3","None","3"
428,"Which of these turn blue litmus paper into real?",,"Na$2CO$3","NaOH","FeCl$3","KCl","3"
429,"Example of Alkali metal is:",,"Na","Ca","Sr","All of them","1"
430,"Which of the following is Lewis Acid?",,"HCl","H$2SO$4","CaO","AlCl$3","4"
431,"Which of the following is true about transitional elements?",,"They lie in d-block","They have variable valency","They have coloured ions","All of them","2"
432,"Temporary hardness of water is due to presence of:",,"CaCl$2","MgSO$4","Mg(HCO$3)$2","None","3"
433,"Which one of the following is metalloid?",,"F","Sb","Ba","Ni","2"
434,"General formula of soap is:",,"R COONa","(R COO)Mg","(R COO)Ca","None","1"
435,"General formula of alkyl group is:",,"CnH$2n+2","CnH$2n+1","CnH$2n","CnH$2n-2","2"
436,"How many gram of oxygen is present in 36gram of water?",,"16gram","32gram","8gram","None","2"
437,"Molecular formula of Litharge is",,"PbS","Pb(NO$3)$2","PbO","None","3"
438,"Which of these are neutral salt?",,"NaCl","NaNO$3","Na$2SO$4","All of them","4"
439,"Total number of groups in modern long periodic table are:",,"18","9","7","16","1"
440,"Blood is example of",,"True solution","Colloidal Solution","Suspension","None","2"
441,"Molecular formula of urea fertilizer is:",,"(NH$4)$2.SO$4","NH$4NO$3","(NH$4)$3.PO$4","CO(NH$2)$2","4"
442,"Atoms of the same element which have same atomic number but different atomic mass are known as:",,"isotones","isobars","isotopes","none","3"
443,"What happens when silver is treated with dil hydrochloric acid?",,"Silver chloride id formed","Hydrogen gas is evolved","Oxygen gas is evolved.","It does not react with dil HCl.","4"
444,"Father of chemistry is:",,"Lavosier","Berzelius","Dalton","None","1"
445,"The composition of bronze is:",,"Cu + Zn","Cu + Zn + Ni","Cu + Sn","None","3"
446,"What is the M.F. of Sodium metaluminate?",,"NaAlO$2","Na$3AlO$3","AlCl$3","Na$2AlO$2","1"
447,"When steam is passed over heated Iron, we get:",,"FeO + H$2","Fe$3O$4 + H$2","Fe$2O$3 + H$2","None","2"
448,"Which of the following number is Avogadro’s Number?",,"6.023 × 10#25","6.023 × 10#-23","6.023 × 10#23","None","3"
449,"An 8g sample of oxygen contains the same number of atoms as 16 g of element X. What is the relative atomic mass of X?",,"4","8","16","32","4"
450,"Which of the following element is the most reactive?",,"H","Na","K","Li","3"
451,"In which electrolyte would a carbon cathode increase in mass during electrolysis?",,"aq. Copper (i) sulphate","concentrated hydrochloric acid","concentrated aq. Sodium chloride","dilute sulphuric acid","1"
452,"The secondary cell that is generally used in out vehicle is:",,"Nickel Cadmium cell","Lead Acid cell","Platinum nickel cell","Lechlanche cell","2"
453,"After acidification with dilute nitric acid, a colorless solution of X reacts with aq. Silver nitrate to give a white precipitate. What could X be?",,"calcium iodide.","Lead (II) chloride","Lead (II) iodide","Sodium chloride","4"
454,"Which statement about an element which has seven outer electrons in its atoms, is correct?",,"it is always mono atomic","it forms a electrovalent compound with hydrogen","it forms a negative ion","it forms covalent compounds with group I elements","3"
455,"The ion XH$4+ is a action radical. To which group in the periodic table does X belong to?",,"II","III","IV","V","4"
456,"Molten cryolite, Na$3AlF6, is used in the extraction of aluminium. Why is cryolite used?",,"It acts as a catalyst","It dissolves aluminium oxide","It increases the purity of the aluminium","It removes impurities as slag","2"
457,"Which of the following processes does not result in the formation of both carbon dioxide and water?",,"addition of a dilute acid to a carbonate","burning ethanol","burning methane","heating crystals of anhydrous sodium carbonate","4"
458,"Which fertilizer provides the most nitrogen per mole?",,"NH$4NO$3","NaNO$3","(NH$4)$3PO$4","(NH$4)$2SO$4","3"
459,"Which of the following is not a use for chlorine?",,"sterilizing water","making domestic bleaches","making table salt","manufacturing plastics","3"
460,"Which ion is present in the highest concentration in a 2 mol /dm3 aq. Solution of sodium sulphate?",,"the hydrogen ion, H$+","the hydroxide ion, OH$-","the sodium ion, Na$+","the sulphate ion , SO$42$-","1"
461,"The ionic equation for a reaction is shown below
Ba2+ + SO42- ? BaSO¬¬¬4
Methane is used as a fuel. What property is essential for this use?",,"it is odourless","it burns exothermically","it is a gas","it has a low boiling point","2"
462,"Methane is used as a fuel. What property is essential for this use?",,"it is odourless","it burns exothermically","it is a gas","it has a low boiling point","4"
463,"Which natural resource is being depleted by the manufacture of plastics?",,"air","fossil fuels","metal ores","water","4"
424,"What is CH$4O?",,"Alkene","Alkane","Alcohol","Carbohydrat","3"
425,"Basic property of separation of metals is ---",,"Mass","Volume","Density","Melting Point","4"
426,"F, O, Cl, N what elements is missing hare?",,"Mg","Na","NaCl","C","5"
427,"If the formula of an Aluminium compound is AlX, which of the following is true?",,"(NH$4)$3X","NH$4X","NH$4X$2","NH4X$3","1"
428,"What is the exact weight of one atom of hydrogen?",,"1 gm","1 amu","1.008 g","1.008 amu","4"
429,"When amonium salt is heated with alkali, we get gas ---",,"N$2","NH$2","N$2O","NO$2","2"
430,"When sulphur dioxide reacts with base, what is formed?",," Sulphite","Sulphate","Sulphur","Sulphide","1"
431,"Which of the following is impure?",,"Bauxite","Water","NaCl","Magnetium oxide","1"
464,"The soap with the formula C$17H$35COONa is:",,"acid","an alcohol","an ester","a salt","3"
465,"A student added aqueous sodium hydroxide to a salt X. On warming, a gas was evolved which turned litmus blue. Which ion was present in X?",,"Cl-","H+","NH$4+","NO3-","1"
466,"When aq. ethanoic acid was added to ethanol, a sweet smelling liquid was produced. What type of reaction occurred?",,"esterification","hydrolysis","oxidation","reduction","4"
467,"Water containing a little dilute sulphuric acid was electrolysed, using carbon electrodes. If 20 cm$3 of oxygen were produced, what was the volume of hydrogen produced?",,"10cm#3","20 cm#3","30 cm#3","40 cm#3","4"
468,"A neutral atom of sodium, Na, has 11 electrons, 11 protons and 12 neutrons. Which symbol represents its nuclide?",,"11Na#11","11Na#12","11Na#22","11Na#23","3"
469,"Which substance is a reducing agent in the production of iron?",,"air","carbon dioxide","carbon monoxide","limestone","3"
470,"An atom of element X is represented by 3X#7. Which statement about an atom of X is correct?",,"It is in Group III of the Periodic Table","It is in Group VII of the Periodic Table","The total number of protons and electrons is 6","The total number of protons and neutrons is 10.","3"
471,"Which statement about the graphite is not true?",,"it burns to form carbon dioxide","it is a carbon compound","it is a macromolecule.","it is used as lubricant.","4"
472,"In which pair of substances, does each have a giant molecular structure?",,"diamond, iodine","diamond, silica (sand)","iodine, methane","methane, silica (sand)","3"
473,"In which substance is each carbon atom covalently bonded to only three other atoms?",,"carbon dioxide","diamond","graphite","methane","3"
473,"Which of the following, when added to water, makes a solution that is a good conductor of electricity?",,"calcium carbonate","copper","ethanol","sodium hydroxide","4"
474,"The pH of an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid is 2. What will be the pH of the acid after the addition of 10 g of sodium chloride?",,"1","2","7","9","2"
475,"Which of the following is the best method of obtaining pure water from ink?",,"chromatography","distillation","filtration","freezing","2"
476,"Which ions must be present in the fertilizer?",,"NH$4+ and NO#3-","NH$4+ and Fe$2+","Fe#2+ and SO$4#2-","Fe#3+ and NO#3-","1"
478,"A gas Y does not burn in air and has no effect on moist indicator paper. What could be Y?",,"Ammonia","Carbon dioxide","Hydrogen","Nitrogen","4"
479,"An element X has two isotopes. How does #238X isotope differ from 235X isotope?",,"It has 3 more protons and 3 more electrons","It has 3 more protons, but no more electrons.","It has 3 more neutrons and 3 more electrons","It has 3 more neutrons, but no more electrons","4"
479,"How many electrons are present in N shell of Cu+ ?",,"0","1","2","3","1"
480,"No single acid can dissolve gold. It dissolves in aqua to give auric chloride. What is aqua regia?",,"conc. HNO$3 and conc. HCI in the ratio of 3:1","conc. HNO$3 and conc. H$2SO4 in the ratio of 1:3","conc. HNO$3 and conc. HCI in the ratio of 1:3","conc. H$2SO$4 and conc. HCI in the ratio of 1:3","3"
481,"Diamond is the hardest substance in which each carbon atom is bonded with four other carbon atoms. Diamond is:",,"an organic compound","a covalent compound","an ionic compound","an element","4"
482,"Magnetite is an ore of",,"Manganese","Copper","Iron","Magnesium","3"
483,"Nitrogen is prepared by heating:",,"Ammonium nitrat","Ammonium nitrite","Mixture of ammonium chloride and sodium nitrate","Conc. HNO$3","2"
484,"An element X in-group I of the periodic table reacts with an element Y in group VI of the periodic table to from a compound with formula:",,"XY","XY$2","XY$3","X$2Y","4"
485,"Nitrogen is prepared by heating:",,"Nitric acid","Ammonium chloride","Ammonium nitrite.","Solution of ammonium chloride and sodium nitrate","3"
486,"What is water?",,"Covalent compound","An electrovalent compound","A coordinate covalent compound","None of the above","1"
487,"DDT is an example of:",,"Fertilizer","Plastic","Fibre","Insecticide","4"
488,"Elements present in group I are called:",,"alkaline earth metals","alkali metals","reactive non metals","noble gases","2"
489,"Latin name of mercury is:",,"Natrium","Hydrargyrum","Kalium","Ferrum","2"
490,"When a burning piece of magnesium is introduced in a jar containing carbon dioxide, the product formed are:",,"magnesium carbonate and water","magnesium oxide and carbon","magnesium carbonate and carbon","magnesium carbonate only","2"
491,"Carbonic acid is prepared by the action of:",,"CO$2 and H$2O","CO and H$2O","CO$2 and Ca(OH)$2","CO and H$2SO$4","1"
492,"The reaction Zn + H$2SO$4 ? ZnSO$4 + H$2 is an example of:",,"displacement reaction","combination reaction","Decomposition reaction","Acid –Base reaction","1"
493,"The solubility of salt in wager is 40 at 25ÂșC. The amount of water required to dissolve 120g at the same temperature is:",,"3 kg","300g","400g","30g","2"
494,"The molecular formula of quick lime is:",,"CaCO$3","KOH","Na$2CO$3","CaO","4"
495,"The number of electrons in Mg++ is:",,"12","14","10","2","3"
496,"All alkalis are hydroxide of metals except:",,"Caustic potash","magnesium hydroxide","Slaked lime","ammonium hydroxide","4"
1,"Bakelite plastic is example of:",,"Thermoplastic","Thermosetting","a and b","None","2"
2,"From the given mixture of sand + iodine, Iodine is separated by:",,"Distillation","Sublimation","Crystallization","None","2"
3,"Black ink is separated into different colour by:",,"Sublimation","Chromatography","Distillation","None","2"
4,"Peptic ulcer patient is treated with",,"Al(OH)$3","Mg(OH)$2","a and b","None","3"
5,"If wasp bites, we use generally:",,"vinegar","calamine lotion","Hydrochloric acid","None","1"
6,"The example of group vth of the periodic table is:",,"sodium","aluminum","oxygen","nitrogen","4"
7,"If honey bee bites, we use:",,"calamine lotion","vinegar","caustic soda","None","1"
8,"Valency of phosphate is:",,"1","2"," 3","none","3"
9,"The M.F. of calamine lotion is:",,"ZnCO$3","ZnS","ZnCl$2","None","1"
10,"The subatomic particle of an atom, which has no charge is known as:",,"Proton","Neutron","Electron","None","2"
11,"If we go from top to bottom in the same group, the electro negativity of the element:",,"Increases","Decreases","No any change","None","2"
12,"The water which contain calcium bicarbonate and calcium chloride is:",,"Temporary","Permanent","a and b","None","3"
13,"If we go from left to right in the periodic table the acidic character of the element:",,"increases","decreases","no any change","None","1"
14,"If we go from left to right in the same period, the atomic radius of the element:",,"Increases","Decreases","No any change","None","2"
15,"Give example of one covalent compound formed in between Gr-I and Gr-IV.",,"NaCl","CH$4"," Na$2O","HCl","2"
16,"If sodium nitrite is heated with ammonium chloride, we get gas like:",,"NH$3","N$2","O$2","None","2"
17,"If slaked lime is heated with salammoniac, we get gas like:",,"NH$3","N$2","O42","None","1"
18,"If sodium perioxide is reacted with water, we get a gas like:",,"H$2","O$2","CO$2","None","2"
19,"Give example of one electrovalent compound formed in between Gr-I and Gr-VII is:",,"Na$2O","KCl","CaCl$2","None","2"
20,"If water contains calcium sulphate compound, hardness is separated by:",,"lime water","boiling","washing soda"," None","3"
21,"The molecular formula of galena is:",," ZnS","HgS","PbS","None","3"
22,"Carbon has valency of 4 in CH$4 and CO$2. Find the valency of carbon in C$2H$6.",,"1","2","3","4","4"
23,"The molecular formula of baking soda is:",,"Na$2 CO$3","CaCO$3","NaHCO$3","None","3"
24,"Diamond is example of:",,"Sedimentary","Igneous","Metamorphic","None","3"
25,"Galvanized iron is protected from rusting because it has a coating of:",,"Pb","Cu","Zn","None","3"
26,"Solubility curve of sodium chloride in water with rise of temperature:",,"Increased rapidly","Slightly increase","No any change in solubility","None","2"
27,"The molecular formula of rust is:",,"FeO","Fe$3O$4","Fe$2O$3.XH$2O","None","3"
28,"When potassium nitrate is heated, we get a gas, which is absorbed by alkaline pyrogallate solution is:",,"H$2","NH$3","O$2","None","3"
29,"The smallest particle of matter which, generally participates in chemical resection but has no free of existence is known as:",,"atom","molecule","element","none","1"
30,"The chemical formula of Pyrex glass is:",,"Aluminum silicate","Aluminum boron silicate","Boron silicate","None","3"
31,"Thickening of window glass after sometime is known as:",,"Hydration","Hygroscopy","Super cooling","None","3"
32,"Lunar eclipse takes place:",,"Every moon day","Moon day","New moon day","None","4"
33,"Hottest part of the earth is:",,"Crust","Mantle","Inner core","None","3"
34,"Protein is the example:",,"Natural polymer","Artificial","Man made","none","1"
35,"Blood is example of:",,"Colloidal solution","True solution","Suspension","None","1"
36,"Particle size of solute in true solution is:",,"100 – 1000 A#o","1 – 10 A#o","4000 – 7000 A#o","None","2"
37,"If the solubility of compound is 25 at 30#oC, find the salt deposited from 50 gram of its saturated solution at 30#oC is:",,"100","10","15","150","2"
38,"% of silica in ordinary glass:",,"15%","25%","50%","None","3"
39,"Formalin is used as:",,"Insecticides","Pesticide","Antiseptic","None","3"
40,"B.H.C is used as:",,"antiseptic","disinfectant","insecticide","None","3"
41,"The gas which is neither supporter of combustion nor combustible in nature is:",,"N$2","O$2","H$2","None","1"
42,"The aqueous solution of gas which turns red to blue litmus paper is:",,"CO$2","O$2","NH$3","None","3"
43,"The gas which is collected in gas jar by down ward displacement of water is known as:",,"CO$2","N$2","CO","Both b and c","4"
44,"The gas which is collected in gas jar by upward displacement of air is:",,"NH$3","CO$2","CO","None","2"
45,"PVC is example of:",,"Natural polymer","Synthetic polymer","a and b","None","2"
46,"When sodium metal is treated with water, we get a gas, which is adsorbed by palladium metal is:",,"O$2","CO$2","H$2","None","3"
47,"The father of chemistry is:",,"Dalton","Lavoiser","Rutherford","none","2"
48,"The nucleus of atom is discovered by:",,"Avogadro","Rutherford","Dalton","None","2"
49,"The chemical properties of the elements are determined by:",,"atomic number","atomic mass","neutron","None","1"
50,"The molecule term is given by:",,"Dalton","Rutherford","Avogadro","None","3"
51,"Which of the following compound is not organic compound?",,"CO$2","CO","CH$4","Both a and b","4"
52,"Which of the following chemical reaction is an example of decomposition reaction?",,"2Na + Cl$2 ? 2NaCl","N$2 + 3H$2 ? 2NH$3","2AgBr ? 2Ag + Br$2","Both a & c","3"
53,"What happens when sodium acetate is treated with sodium hydroxide in presence of calciumoxide?",,"Ethane gas is formed","Propane gas is formed","Methane gas is formed","All of the above","3"
54,"Which of the following compound is used as anaesthesia?",,"CCl$4","CHCl$3","CH$3Cl","CH$2Cl$2","4"
55,"Which of the following gas in biogas?",,"C$2H$6","CH$4","CO$2","CO","2"
56,"What is the M.F. of acetylene?",,"C$2H$4"," C$2H$2","C$2H$6","None of above","2"
57,"What is the M.F of ethanol?",,"CH$3OH","C$2H$5OH","C$3H$7OH","C$4H$9OH","2"
58,"Which of the following compound is called glycol?",,"CH$2OHCH$2OH","CH$2OHCHOHCH#2OH","C$2H$5OH","C$4H$9OH","1"
59,"What is the boiling point of alcohol?",,"78.6#oC","99#oC","80#oC","81#oC","1"
60,"Which of the following compound is soluble in water?",,"Ethane","Propane","Alcohol","Ether","3"
61,"What is the functional group of ether?",,"-OH","-O-","-NH$2","-CO","2"
62,"Which of the following compound is used in thermometer?",,"Ether","Alcohol","Potassium chloride","Sodium hydroxide","2"
63,"Which of the following compound is unsaturated compound?",,"CH$4","C$2H$6","C$3H$8","C$2H$4","4"
64,"Which of the following compound is iodoform?",,"CHI$3","CHBr$3","C$3H$8","C$2H$4","1"
65,"What is the general formula of alkyne?",,"CnH$2n-2","CnH$2n+2","CnH$2n","CnH$2n+1","1"
66,"Which of the following bond are found in alcohol?",,"Electrovalent bond","Covalent bond","Hydrogen bond","b and c","4"
67,"What is the M.F. of dimethyl ether?",,"C$2H$5OC$2H$5","CH$3OC$2H$5","CH$3OCH$3","None of the above","3"
68,"What is the boiling point of ether?",,"38#oC","35#oC","37#oC","36#oC","2"
69,"How many blocks are there in a periodic table?",,"1","2","5","4","4"
70,"Who introduced the modern periodic table?",,"John Newland","Lothar Meyer","Henery Moseley","John Dalton","3"
71,"How many elements are there in a Lanthanides series?",,"13","14","15","16","2"
72,"In which block of the periodic table should aluminum be placed?",,"s","p","d","f","2"
73,"How many elements are there in actinides series?",,"14","15","16","None of above","1"
74,"In which group of the periodic table should calcium be placed?",,"I-A","III-A","II-A","IV-A","3"
75,"How many valance electrons are there in an argon atom?",,"7","8","9","10","2"
76,"When, 20 gram of saturated solution is cooled from 60oC to 45oC, find the salt deposited. If the solubility of given salt at 60oC and 45oC are 45 and 40 respectively.",,"3 gram","4 gram","1 gram"," 0.68 gram","4"
77,"Which of the following element is the most reactive?",,"H","Li","K","Na","3"
78,"Which block of the periodic table should actinides group be placed?",,"s","p","d","f","4"
79,"Which of the following metal is called alkaline earth metal?",,"Li","Na","Ca","Al","3"
80,"In which group of the periodic table should halogen group be placed?",,"I-A","VI-A","III-A","VII-A","4"
81,"Which of the following element is also called electropositive element?",,"16","17","18","20","4"
82,"How many electrons are there in Ca++ ion?",,"13","20","11","18","4"
83,"Which of the following gas is also called noble gas?",,"O$2","Ne","Ar","Both b & c","4"
84,"What is the other name of lanthanides and actinides series?",,"Alkaline metal","Alkaline earth metal","Rare-earth element","None of the above","3"
85,"What is the gram molecular weight of oxygen molecule?",,"30 gram","32 gram","34 gram","40 gram","2"
86,"How many molecules are there in 1 mole of carbon-dioxide gas?",,"6.02x10#23 molecules","6.02x10#27 molecules","6.02x10#30 molecules","6.02x10#-32 molecules","1"
87,"Which of the following chemical reaction is not balanced?",,"C + O$2 ? CO$2","Cu + O$2 ? CuO","Zn + H$2SO$4 ? ZnSO$4 + H$2","CaCO$3 ? CaO + CO$2","2"
88,"Which of the following number is Avogadro’s number?",,"6.02x10#24","6.023x10#23","6.02x10#25","6.02x10#-23","2"
89,"Which of the following catalyst is used for the manufacturing of ammonia gas?",,"Ni","Fe/Mo","Cu","Sn","2"
90,"Which of the following gas is monatomic gas?",,"Cl$2","F$2","N$2","Xe","4"
91,"Which of the following chemical reaction is an example of acid-base reaction?",,"H$2SO$4 + CaO ? CaSO$4 + H$2Oz","2Zn + O$2 ? 2ZnO","2KClO$3 ? 2KCl + 3O$2","CaCO$3 ? CaO + CO$2","1"
92,"Tooth Paste is the example of:",,"colloids","solution","suspension","all of the above","1"
93,"In the given mixture of sand + camphor, camphor is separated by:",,"distillation process","sublimation process","evaporation process","decantation process","2"
94,"If the solubility of given compound at 30#oC is 40. Find the weight of solvent when 80 gram its saturated solution is heated at 30oC.",,"9.300 gram","22.8 gram","500 gram","600 gram","2"
95,"According to duplet rule, how many electrons are there in the valance shell?",,"3","4","5","2","4"
96,"Aqueous solution containing gas is example of:",,"brass","coca cola","salt solution","none of the above","2"
97,"For the solubility of given compound amount of solvent necessary is:",,"250 gram","100 gram","150 gram","105 gram","2"
98,"Generally, when the saturated solution is heated it becomes:",,"unsaturated","saturated","super saturated","none","1"
99,"From the given solution of NaCl + water, NaCl is separated by:",,"filtration","evaporation","sublimation","decantation","2"
100,"What happens when silver is treated with dil. Hydrochloric acid?",,"Silver chloride is formed","Hydrogen gas is evolved","Oxygen gas is evolved","It does not react with dill. Hydrochloric acid.","4"
101,"Mixture of alcohol and water is example of:",,"colloid","solution","suspension","all of the above","2"
102,"In which block of the periodic table should iron be placed?",,"s-block","p-block","f-block","d-block","4"
103,"Which of the following compound is called magnetic oxide of iron?",,"Fe$2O$3","Fe$3O$4","FeCO$3","FeO","2"
104,"What is the M.F. of sodium meta aluminate?",,"NaAlO$2","Na$3AlO$3","AlCl$3","NaCl","1"
105,"Which of the following is the At. No. of copper?",,"30","29","31","32","2"
106,"Which of the following is the ore of copper?",,"CuFeS$2","Cu$2S","CuCl$3","Both a & b","4"
107,"What is the specific density of the copper?",,"8","7.75","8.85","None of the above","3"
108,"Which of the following gas is evolved when coper is treated with conc. Sulphuric acid?",,"H$2S","SO$2","O$2","N$2","2"
109,"Which of the following metal is also called coinage metal?",,"Na","Li","Cu","Ca","3"
110,"Generally, ionic radius of cation decreases, due to:",,"decreased effective nuclear charge","increased effective nuclear charge","increased atomic number","none of the above","2"
111,"What is the M.F. of horn silver?",,"Ag$2S","(AgCu$2)$2S","AgCl","Ag","3"
112,"What is the specific density of gold?",,"20 gram/cm#3","19.3 gram/cm#3","21 gram/cm#3","24.3 gram/cm#3","2"
113,"Which of the following compound is used as a negative in a photography?",,"AgCl","AgI","AgBr","AgNO$3","3"
114,"What is the atomic wt. of gold",,"179","35","35.5","None","4"
115,"What is the M.F. of Auric chloride?",,"AuCl","AuBr$3","AuCl$3","AgBr.","3"
116,"% of oxygen in calcium oxide is:",,"28.4","56.8","60","None","1"
117,"Amalgam is:",,"an alloy","slag","flux","none","1"
118,"Slag is the product of:",,"Gangue","Gangue + Flux","Colloidal","None","2"
119,"The composition of brass is:",,"Cu + Sn","Cu + Zn","Cu + Hg","None","2"
120,"Which one of the following is true about transitional elements:",,"They have variable valency","They lie in d-block","They have coloured compounds","All of them","4"
121,"The composition of bronze is:",,"Cu + Zn","Cu + Zn + Ni","Cu + Sn","None","3"
122,"The composition of german silver is:",,"Cu + Zn","Cu + Sn","Cu + Zn + Ni","None","3"
123,"What is the M.F. of sodium zincate?",,"Na$2S","Na$2ZnO2","Na$2Z","None","2"
124,"What is the M.F. of gypsum?",,"Al$2O$3.SiO$2","CaSO$4.2H$2O","CaCO$3","All of the above","2"
125,"Which of the following glass is soluble in water?",,"Ordinary","Hard glass","Borosilicate glass","Water glass","4"
126,"Carbolic acid and formalin is reacted to each other, we get:",,"Polyethylene","Polyvinyl chloride","Bakelite plastic","None of the above","3"
127,"In the given example, which one is detergent?",,"Sodium stereate","Alkylbenzene sulphonate","DDT","Urea","2"
128,"Molecular formula of soap is:",,"C$17H$35COONa","SiO$2","AlCl$3","C$17H$35COOLi","1"
129,"P.V.C is the example of:",,"Thermoplastics","Thermosetting plastics","Both a and b","Non of the above","1"
130,"Atoms of the same element, which have same atomic number but different atomic mass are known as:",,"isobars","isotones","isotopes","None","3"
131,"In the given example, which is whole number?",,"Atomic mass","Atomic number"," Equivalent","None","2"
132,"Molecular formula of urea fertilizer is:",,"(NH$4)$2SO$4","CO(NH$2)$2","NH$4NO$3","KCl","2"
133,"Vital force theory was given by:",,"Dalton"," Lavoiser","Berzelius","None","3"
134,"Blood is the example of:",,"True solution","Colloidal","Suspension","None","2"
135,"Example of good conductor is:",,"Diamond","Coal","Graphite","None","3"
136,"Example of Metalloid is:",,"Be","Ge","As","All of them.","4"
137,"Example of normal element is:",,"K","Cu","Fe","None","1"
138,"Example of transitional element is:",,"Ca","Na","Cu","None","3"
139,"Phosphoric acid is used with hydrogen peroxide acts as:",,"–ve catalyst","+ve catalyst","Auto catalyst","None","1"
140,"MnO2 is used in the preparation of oxygen gas as:",,"+ve catalyst","–ve catalyst","Autocatalyst","None","1"
thanks for publishing this
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