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Here below are the most asked questions for entrance facing students.
Its in the format as below:
<Question Code> <Question> <Options> <Answer>
For example:
'...... 1,"Tapeworm has no digestive system because:",,"it is a parasite","it lives in intestine","it doesn’t need food","it absorbs its food from general body surface",4.........'
Here {1} is question code, {"Tapeworm has no digestive system because:" is question, "it is a parasite","it lives in intestine","it doesn’t need food","it absorbs its food from general body surface"} are choices and {4} is answer.
501,"Ligaments and tendons are formed of:",,"Epithelial tissue","Connective tissue","Muscular tissue","Nervous tissue",2
502,"Body is unsegmented in:",,"Mosquito","Earthworm","Roundworm","Scorpion",3
503,"Larva of housefly is called:",,"Nymph","Imago","Maggot","Tumbler",3
504,"Pancreas is:",,"Exocrine gland","Endocrine gland","Heterocrine gland","None",3
505,"The inherent capacity of a cell to regenerate a total plant is known as:",,"Cell fractionation","Cellular totipotency","Cell migration","Fission",2
506,"Proteolytic enzymes act on:",,"Proteins","Fats","Vitamins","Carbohydrates",1
507,"The erythroytic phase of the life cycle of Plasmodium occurs in:",,"Hepatic cells","WBC","Blood","RBC",4
508,"Linnaeus had the credit for:",,"Discovery of microscope","Discovery of blood circulation","Theory of biogenesis","Binomial nomenclature",4
509,"The transfer of energy from one trophic level to the next trophic level in an ecosystem is called food chain. The flow of energy in an ecosystem is always:",,"Unidirectional","Bidirectional","Multidirectional","There is no direction of flow of energy",1
510,"Obligate parasites:",,"Can multiply outside the living cell","Can multiply on soil","Can multiply on dead organic matter","Cannot multiply outside the living cell",4
511,"Parenchymatous cell with large intercellular spaces is a feature of hydrophytic adaptation in plants. What is the parenchyma with air cavities called?",,"Sclerenchyma","Chlorenchyma","Aerenchyma","Collenchyma",3
512,"RNA molecule is synthesized from a single strand of DNA by a process called:",,"Transcription","Translation","Mutation","Evolution",1
513,"All of the following are true for bryophytes except:",,"they have no vascular bundle","they need water for fertilization","they have independent sporophyte","their antherozoides are motile",3
514,"What are the brownish hair like structures found on the petiole and rhizome of fern called?",,"Frond","Scale","Ramenta","Sorus",3
515,"The science of counting the age of tree is called:",," Dendrology","Silviculture","Olericulture","Dendrochronology",4
516,"What are the sterile cells found in the hymenium of basdiocarp of mushroom called?",,"Paraphyses","Basidia","Pileus","Annulus",1
517,"What are the plants growing inside other plants called?",,"Parasites","Endophytes","Epiphytes","Lithophytes",2
518,"Serum can be defined as:",,"Serum can be defined as:","Plasma devoid of clotting factor","Blood devoid of plasma","Plasma devoid of water",2
519,"Fasciola hepatica is commonly called:",,"Blood fluke","tape worm","liver fluke","planaria",3
520,"The excretory organ of annelida is nephridia. The excretory organ of platyhelminthes is:",,"solencocyte","madreporite","radula","gynaecophoric canal",1
521,"Study of soil and soil content is called:",,"Angiology","Saurology","Edaphology","Palynology",3
522,"Plants found in dry climate is called Xerophytes, animals found in such climate is called:",,"Xerophyta","Xerozoon","Xeroans","Xerocles",4
523,"Which of the following mentioned below shows the maximum adaptation both externally and internally?",,"monkey","birds","chameleon","tortoise",2
524,"The drugs taken by us are metabolized in:",,"small intestine","stomach","liver","large intestine",3
525,"The blood pressure is measured by the instrument called:",,"sphygmomanometer","pressure meter","electro-cardio gram","endoscope",1
526,"Which is the largest organ of human body?",,"liver","skin","brain","lungs",2
527,"Study of flower is called:",,"Anthology","Pomology","Dendrology","Inflorescence",1
528,"Monocarpic plants produce flowers and fruit once in life time. Which of the following is monocarpic?",,"mango","mustard","bamboo","both b and c",4
529,"Food is transported by phloem in form of starch and stored in the form of:",,"glucose","glycogen","starch","lipids",3
530,"An additional amount of DNA found in cell is called:",,"plasmids","chondroid","mesosomes","chromosome",1
531,"Which of the following is diagnostic difference between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes?",,"presence of 70s ribosome","presence of DNA","Lack of histone protein","lack of Plasmodesmata",3
532,"Different flowers colour i.e. red, blue, purple is due to:",,"chromoplast","anthocyanin of vacuole","chloroplast","cytoplasm",1
533,"In pitcher plant, the pitcher or trap is modified:",,"leaf","leaf apex","petiole","leaf lamina",3
534,"Algae are great source of nutrients. Which of algae is richest source of protein?",,"Laminaria","Chlorella","Spirogyra","Spirullinna",4
535,"Which of the following is called amphibian plants?",,"Thalophyhyta","Bryophyte","Pteridophyta","Gymnosperm",2
536,"Dorsophilia is insect heavily used in genetic experiments. Dorsophila of plant kingdom is:",,"Aspergillus","Pencillium","Neurospora","Mucor",3
537,"Choanocyte cells are the distinguishing characters of phylum:",,"Porifera","Coelenterata","Platyhelminthes","Echinodermata",1
538,"Sea – anemone lies in the phylum:",,"porifera","echinodermata","mollusca","coelenterata",4
539,"Malarial parasite was first discovered by:",,"Ronald Ross","Charles Laveren","Louis Pasteur","Jenner",2
540,"The blood pressure is:",,"pressure exerted by blood on veins","speed of flow of blood in vessel","pressure exerted by blood on artery","pressure exerted by blood on heart",3
541,"The main purpose of classification is:",,"to locate animals","to study facts of evolution","to establish relationships","to study the ecology of animals",3
542,"What is total number of cell division during formation of 50 zygotes?",,"62.5","63","61","62",1
543,"When a fresh twig of a plant is dipped in ink-solution and after sometimes the section of stem is cut and observed. Which part becomes coloured?",,"collenchyma","phloem","xylem","sclerenchyma",3
544,"The pollination done by snails is called malacophily. The pollination done by snakes is called:",,"Ornithophily","Chropterophily","Anemophily","Ophiophily",4
545,"which of the following cell organelle has double membrane?",,"ER","Golgi bodies","lysosome","chloroplast",4
546,"Insectivores plants feed on insects mainly for:",,"phosphorous","oxygen","proteins","nitrogen",4
547,"A taxonomic group of classification which can be assigned to a definite category of any level, is termed as:",,"Genus","Species","Type","Taxon",4
548,"Frog respires through:",,"skin","lungs","buccal cavity","all of these",4
549,"The animals feeding on blood are called as:",,"Frugivorous","Carnivorous","Sanguivorous","Piscivorous",3
550,"Sporogony in life Plasmodium occurs in:",,"Liver of man","RBCs of man","Salivary glands of mosquito","On the wall of the mosquito's stomach",4
551,"Connecting link between Annelida and Arthropoda is:",,"Archaeopteryx","Peripatus","Duck billed platypus","Spiny ant eater",2
552,"Animals modified for running are called as:",,"Cursorial","Ambulatory","Volant"," Arboreal",1
553,"The larva of mosquito is called as:",,"Maggot","Nymph","Wriggler","Tumbler",3
554,"All mammalian cells have nucleus except:",,"Muscle cells","Neurons","RBC","Liver cells",3
555,"Ascaris is:",,"Bisexual","Unisexual","Host","Marine",2
556,"Tubefeet are locomotary organs found in:",,"Echinoderms","Molluscs","Arthropods","Annelids",1
557,"Ribosome of bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts are of:",,"30S type","50S type","70S type","80S type",3
558,"In some of Mendel’s experiments, three quarters of the offspring showed the dominant trait. Which of the following is most likely to be true about the parents?",,"Both were recessive","Both were heterozygous","Both were dominant","One was heterozygous; and the other, homozygous",2
559,"Which of the following statements is most true of producer organisms?",,"They are eaten by carnivores","They are eaten by scavengers","They are parasitic","They contain chlorophyll",4
560,"What is rod shaped bacteria called?",,"Bacillus","Coccus","Spirillum","Vibrio",1
561,"Swedish naturalist who developed binomial nomenclature to classify and organize plants and animals:",,"Carolus Linnaeus","Bentham","Hutchinson","Robert Whittaker",1
562,"In pteridophytes, the plant body represents:",,"Gametophyte","Sporophyte","Both a and b","None",2
563,"Which of the given plants does not produces fruits?",,"Cycas","Rice","Barley","Mango",1
564,"Mushroom (Basidiomycetes) are different from other fungi in having:",,"Coenocytic hyphae","Spores","Dikaryotic hyphae","All of the above",3
565,"What is the unit of male reproductive part in flower called?",,"Carpel","Stamen","Sepal","Petal",2
566,"What is ‘vivipary’ in plants?",,"Production of eggs","Production of spores","Formation zygote","Germination of seed inside fruit",4
567,"Malaria is caused by the infection of:",,"Plasmodium","Mosquito","Ascaris","Bad air",1
568,"The characteristic feature of sponges is:",,"gastro vascular cavity","tentacles","hypostome","canal system",4
569,"What are roots having symbiotic association with algal cells called?",,"Nodulated root","Coralloid root","Mycorrhizal root","Tap root",2
570,"The posterior end of male Ascaris remains:",,"curved","cylindrical","spiral","straight",1
571,"The poisonous fluid in the nematocysts of Hydra is:",,"hypnotoxin","toxin","heparin","haematin",1
572,"Amphibian heart is:",,"one chambered","two chambered","three chambered","four chambered",3
573,"Tusk of an elephant is an enlarged:",,"upper canines","upper incisors","lower incisor","premolars",2
574,"The chief function of bile is:",,"emulsification of fats for digestion","to regulate the process of digestion","to digest fats by enzymatic activity","to remove waste products",1
575,"Which of the following has no cotyledons but is placed in dicot?",,"Cycas","Potato","Cuscuta","Bamboo",3
576,"The mode of nutrition in fungi is mostly:",,"Autotrophic","Saprophytic","Chemotrophic","Parasitic",2
577,"Transpiration is highest for ----- transpiration.",,"Stomatal","Cuticular","Lenticular","Epidermal",1
578,"Scientists believe that global warming is caused by: Scientists believe that global warming is caused by:",,"Atom bomb testing","The spread of warfare in equatorial region","Acid rain","The greenhouse effect",4
579,"World famous penicillin was extracted from:",,"Algae","Bacteria","Fungi","Virus",3
580,"Budding is type of:",,"Vegetative propagation","Sexual reproduction","Fragmentation","All",1
581,"Flame cells are excretory organs of:",,"Taenia and other flatworms","Ascaris","Sponges","none",1
582,"Which of the following is not found in the basdiocarp of mushroom?",,"Rhizomorph","Stipe","Trama","Rhizoid",4
583,"Chiropterophily is the pollination done by:",,"birds","mammals","bats","air",3
584,"""Philosophie Zoologique"" a book published in 1809 was written by:",,"Darwin","Lamarck","Mendel","Weismann",2
585,"The study of fish culture is:",,"Ichthyology","Herpetology","Pisciculture","Apiculture",3
586,"Animals living and subsisting on other organisms come under:",,"Pathology","Parasitology","Parazoology","Helminthology",3
587,"The branch of science that deals with the study of identification, nomenclature and classification of the organisms is:",,"Anatomy","Morphology","Zoology","Taxonomy",4
588,"Which of the following is the characteristic of
zygotene?",,"Crossing over","Synapsis","Terminalization","Cytokinesis",2
589,"Physical basis of life is:",,"Cytoplasm","Protoplasm","Nucleoplasm","Carbohydrates",2
590,"What is the post fertilization product of ovary?",,"Fruit","seed","Ovule","Carpel",1
591,"What is the gametophyte of fern called?",,"Thallus","Frond","Capsule","Prothallus",4
592,"Who is called the father of modern botany?",,"Aristotle","Aristotle","Carolus Linnaeus","Mendel",3
592,"A bean seed contains all except:",,"Seed coat","Cotyledons","Hypocotyl","Hypha",4
593,"Ferns have feather like leaves in their sporophyte, so they are grouped under:",,"Pteridophyta","Tracheophyta","Embryophyta","Spermatophyta",1
594,"The name of discipline dealing with the study of inheritance is:",,"Cytology","Evolution","Genetics","Anatomy",3
595,"Which of the following type of RNA carries amino acids during protein synthesis?",,"rRNA","tRNA","mRNA","All",2
596,"The study dealing with the structure of cell is:",,"Cytology","Breeding","Biotechnology","Geneticsq",1
597,"The term evolution in Biology means that:",,"Fossils are old","Living things constantly change","Life began in sea","Man descended from Apes",2
598,"A green and chlorophyllous autotrophic cell of a plant contains all of the following except:",,"Genes","DNA","Centriole","Cell wall",3
599,"Analogous organs are those, which are:",,"Structurally similar","Structurally as well as functionally similar","Functionally similar","Normally non-functional",3
600,"Which one is not vestigial organ of man?",,"Wisdom teeth","Muscles of ear pinna","Vermiform appendixIleum","Ileum",4
601,"Mature RBCs of male lacks nucleus except:",,"Cow","Camel","Tiger","Deer",2
602,"The ultimate source of organic variation is:",," Mutations","Sexual reproduction","Hormonal","Mutations",2
603,"The scientific culture of silkworm is known as:",,"Apiculture","Pisciculture","Sericulture","Horticulture",3
604,"Connecting link between reptiles and birds is:",,"Dodo","Sphenodon","Dimetrodon","Archaeopteryx",4
605,"The entire surface of Earth livable for living things is:",,"Atmosphere","Lithosphere","Biosphere","Hydrosphere",3
606,"The mosquitoes having blood sucking mouth parts are:",,"Only male","Only female","Both","None",2
607,"This plant of the legume family is unusual in that the edible fruit or pod develops under the soil.",,"Walnut","Peanut","Pea","Cauliflower",2
608,"The woody tissue in vascular plants that not only conducts water and inorganic salts throughout the plant body but also provides mechanical support to the plant.",,"Sap","Xylem","Phloem","Sclerenchyma",2
609,"What is the name of the chemical that makes plant cells rigid and plants crunchy?",,"Protein","Skin","Chitin","Cellulose",4
610,"A group of relatively simple unicellular organisms lacking a nucleus and other complex cell features.",,"Diatom","Thallophytes","Prokaryotes","Arthropod",3
611,"Which of the following plastids is found in the cells not exposed to light?",,"leucoplast","chromoplast","chloroplast","none of the above",1
612,"Which of the following has an embryo but lacks vascular tissue?",,"bryophyte","pteridophyta","gymnospermae","angiospermae",1
613,"The movement of microscope particles is named for this influential British botanist, who not only discovered nucleus but also determined the distinction between gymnosperms and angiosperms.",,"Robert Brown","Bentham","Hutchinson","Artistole",1
614,"Viruses are essentially made up:",,"proteins and nucleic acids","non-cellular organisms","lipids and nucleic and acids","starch, protein and lipids",1
615,"Gemetophytic generation is prominent in:",,"angiosperms","pteridophytes","bryophytes","gymnosperms",3
616,"The dominant generation in pteridophytes is:",,"sporophyte","gametophyte","thallophyte","all",1
617,"Velamen, the spongy tissue, is present in:",,"breathing root","parasitic root","tuberous root","epiphytic root",4
618,"Buds are typically found:",,"at the apex or axil of leaves","at the tips of branches","at the base of the branches","at the tips of the roots",1
619,"Potato tuber is a modified:",,"root"," stem","bulb","leaf",2
620,"Ginger is a stem , not a root because:",,"it stores food material","it grows parallel to soil surface","it lacks chlorophyll","it has nodes and internodes",4
621,"Which of the following plants has parallel venation in its leaves?",,"castor","grass","moss","fern",2
622,"Phyllotaxy is the mode of arrangement of leaves and the principle underlying it is",,"to hide leaves against sunlight","to expose leaves equally to sunlight","to minimize number of leaves","to maximize number of leaves",2
623,"Mechanical of tissue consisting of living cells is:",,"sclerenchyma","colenchyma","chlorenchyma","parenchyma",2
624,"Double fertilization in the characteristics of the:",,"angiosperms","alga","gymnosperms","bryophytesq",1
625,"Which of the following is not a method of vegetation propagation:",,"sowing","cutting","layering","grafting",1
626,"Stem cutting are commonly used for propagation:",,"cotton","mango","sugarcane","banana",3
627,"Bacteria cannot survive in a highly salted pickle because:",,"salt inhabits reproduction of bacteria","enough light is unavailable for photosynthesis","they become plasmolysed and death occur","nutrients in the pickle medium cannot support life",3
628,"The loss of water in the from of vapour from aerial plant parts is known as:",,"osmosis","respiration","photosynthesis","transpiration",4
629,"Exudation of water in the from of liquid from the margin of la leaf is called:",,"evaporation","osmosis","transpiration","guttation",4
630,"The ultimate biological energy comes from:",,"mitochondria","sunlight","glucose","ATP",2
631,"Which of the following is not a plastid?",,"leucoplast","chloroplast","chromoplast","anthoplast",4
632,"What is the importance of respiration in plants?",,"it provides oxygen to plants","it liberates energy (ATP)","it liberates carbon dioxide","all of the above",2
633,"Ethylene gas:",,"sows down ripening of apples","speeds up maturation of fruits","is a saturated hydrocarbon","retards ripening of tomatoes",2
634,"A food chain starts with:",,"nitrogen","decay","photosynthesis","respiration",3
635,"Most important criteria used for the present day classification of living organisms is based on:",,"presence and absence of notochord","resemblances in external features","breeding habits","anatomical and physiological characteristics",4
636,"Body is un-segmented in:",,"mosquito","ascaris","earthworm","scorpion",2
637,"Ascaris is found as endoparasite in:",,"blood of man","intestine of man","muscles of pig"," body cavity of man",2
638,"Which of the parasite has no alimentary canal?",,"liverfluke","ascaris","tapeworm","pinworm",3
639,"From which stage of silk moth, the silk is obtained:",,"Adult","Egg"," Caterpillar","Cocoon",4
640,"Difference between larvae of Culex and Anopheles is in the presence of:",,"Eyes","tail","respiratory trumpet","curved body shaped",3
641,"Tumbler is the name given to the pupa of:",,"Butterfly","mosquito","housefly","beetle",2
642,"Which of the following animal is a poikilotherms?",,"Fish","Frog","Snakes","All of there",4
643,"Fertilization in frog takes place in",,"Uterus","Fallopian tube"," Water","Upper part of oviduct",3
644,"Metamorphosis occurs in:",,"Ascaris","Earthworm","Tapeworm","Frog",4
645,"When a frog is transferred from 20#0C to 30# 0C, its body temperature:",,"Rise to 20#0C","Rises to 30#0C","Falls to 15#0C","Remains constant",2
646,"Frog produce sound during rainy season to:",,"Terrify the enemies","Warn other frogs from enemies","Invite females frogs","None of these",3
649,"Pneumatic bones of birds:",,"Increase the respiratory rate","Increase the heart beat rate","Increase the CO2 output","Increase the buoyancy",4
705,"The theory of inheritance of acquired characters was disproved by:",,"A Weismann","J.B. Lamarck","Louis Pasteur","Charles Darwin",1
706,"Which one of the following organisms is not an autotroph?",,"Grass","Moss","Mushroom","Fern",3
707,"Which of the following molecules is glucose?",,"C$3H$6O$3","C$6H$12O$6","C$3H$5OH","C$10O$5",2
708,"How many membranes comprise the nuclear envelope?",,"Four","One","Two","Three",3
709,"A flower with stamens carpels sepals and petals is said to be:",,"tetraform","complete","perfect","bisexual",2
710,"The adrenal glands are located adjacent to the:",,"Larynx","Urinary bladder","kidneys","Gonads",3
711,"The first hormone to be isolated was:",,"Thyroxine","Testosterone","Aldosteroneq","Progesterone",1
712,"Hepatic portal vein terminates in ---",,"Stomach","Leaver","Heart","Kidney",2
713,"Follicles are present in",,"Ovary","Testes","Kidney","Lung",1
714,"Darwin is famous for ---",,"Theory of mutation","Natural selection","Inheritance of acquired characters","Law of independent assortment",1
715,"The outermost part of the bone is called ---",,"Epiphysis","Periostcur","Meringes","Pericardium",2
716,"Diffused Nervous System is found in ---",,"Porifera","Coelenerata","Platyhelminthy","Annelida",2
717,"Transpiration is carried out by ---",,"Stomata","Cuticle","Lenticel","All of the above",4
718,"Which of the following contains nitrogen fixing bacteria?",,"Fungi"," Cycas","Leguminus plant","Fern",3
719,"The modified stem of fern plant is called ---",,"Rhizoid","Stamen","Ramenta","Rhizome",4
720,"The inner core of the virus is made up of ---",,"Protein","Envelope","Capsid","Nucleic acid",4
721,"Venus fly trap shows a response ---",,"Thigmonasty","Seismonasty","Phototropism","None",1
722,"The Process of pairing of homologous chromosomes is called synapsis. Which of the following stage of cell division is characterized by synapsis?",,"Leptotene","Zygotene","Pachytene","Diplotene",2
723,"Which of the plant mentioned below is devoid of vascular bundles?",,"Moss","Club moss","Pine","Lotus",1
724,"The transfer of amino acids during protein synthesis is the function of ---",,"m RNA","r RNA","s RNA","hn RNA",3
725,"The pyramid of energy is always ---",,"Upright","Inverted","Both","Horizontal",1
726,"Double fertilization occurs in ---",,"All plants","Pteridophytes","Gymnosperms","Angiosperms",4
727,"Denitrifying bacteria convert ---",,"Nitrites to nitrites","Nitrates to molecular nitrogen","Nitrates of nitrites","Molecular nitrogen to nitrates",2
728,"Ozone layer is present in ---",,"Stratosphere","Troposphere","Lonosphere","Mesosphere",1
729,"The most primitive placental mammal is ---",,"Platypus","Bat","Shrew","Mice",3
730,"How many segments present in Leech ---",,"23","33","43","53",2
731,"A characteristic feature of insects is ---",,"Antennae","3 pair of legs","A pair of compound eyes","2 pair of wings",2
732,"Structural & functional unit(s) of kidney is/are ---",,"Uriniferous tubules","Seminiferous tubules","Urinary bladder","Hepatic cells",1
733,"The end product(s) of protein digestion is/are ---",,"Glucose","Amino acids","Fatty acids","Glycerol",2
0,"During course of evolution, true coelom is first evolved in ---",,"Coelenterata","Aschelminthes","Annelida","Arthropoda",3
0,"Larva of Butterfly and moth is called as ---",,"Caterpillar","Maggot","Wriggler","Grub",1
0,"Photosynthesis is not ---",,"Catabolic process","Anabolic process","Constructive process","Building up process",1
0,"Which of the following cell organelles have no membrane?",,"Mitochondria and Chloroplast","Mitochondria and Ribosome","Ribosome and Centriole","Lysosome and Lysosome",3
0,"The opening and closing of stomata is controlled by ---",,"Subsidiary cells","Guard cells","Epidermal cells","None of these",2
0,"What is the net yield of ATP when a glucose molecule is broken down anaerobically into lactate?",,"2 ATP","8 ATP","30 ATP","38 ATP",1
0,"Which of the following organism has cell wall but no chloroplast?",,"Amoeba","Spirogyra","Volvox"," Mucor",4
0,"What is the scientific name of Wheat?",,"Oryza stiva","Horeum vulgare","Triticum aestivum","Lycopersicum esculentum",3
0,"Which among the following belong to Pisces?",,"Jell fish","Silver fish","Sea horse","Sea mouse",3
0,"Some plants grow on the surface of other plants are called",,"Xerophytes","Epiphytes","Mesophytes","Hydrophytes",2
0,"The cells of a Drosophila fly have been shown to contain 8 chromosomes. The number of chromosomes in the fertilized egg is",,"2","4","8","16",3
0,"Which of the following organelles contains cisternae?",,"Lysosome","Chloroplast","Golgi body","Mitochondria",3
0,"Fungi which grow on animal faeces or dung are termed as",,"Coprophilous","Facultative saprophyte"," Parasite","None of the above",1
0,"Hemidactylus is the zoological name of",,"Wall lizard","Garden lizard","Flying lizard","Tuatara lizard",1
0,"Fruit eating animals are",,"Carnivorous","Insectivorous","Sagnuivorous","Frugivorous",4
0,"Peripatus is the connecting link between",,"Annelida – Arthropoda","Annelida –Mollusca","Annelida – Echinodermata","Aschelminthes – Annelida",1
0,"Parrot is",,"Polygamous","Gregarious","Crepuscular","All of the above",2
0,"Membrane surrounding the brain is called",,"Pericardium","Perichondrium","Periosteum","Meninge",4
82,"West of Newport -----, one of the many mansions surrounded by acres of gardens",,"where the Aston stately home stands","the stately home stands of Aston","the stately home of Aston stands","stands the stately Aston home",4
83,"Putrefaction ----- by bacteria and not by a chemical process.",,"to be caused","causing","caused","is caused",4
84,"In the Sonora desert, the daytime temperatures ----- to 50 degrees Celsius.",,"rise","rising","to rise","risen",1
85,"----- publicly executed in 1536 for making what his enemies considered a false translation of the Bible, William Tyndale wrote a version which became the foundation of subsequent English versions",,"As if","After","When","Although",4
86,"---- capable of walking upright, apelike Australopithecus did so only for short",,"As if","Through","Until","Because",2
87,"----- erupting in May 1980, Mount Saint Helens continued erupting intermittently throughout the following year.",,"After","Such as","Since","As if",1
88,"----- having seized their prey with their mouths, pythons swiftly coil themselves around it and suffocate it.",,"Until","Because","Since","After",4
89,"----- running, grizzly bears are capable of attaining speeds of 35 miles and hour.",,"So that","When","Through","So",3
90,"-----, their small size and the thin soil make them easy prey to a hiker’s heel.",,"When alpine flower can resist wind, cold","When alpine flower can resist wind, cold","While alpine flowers can resist wind, cold","Alpine flowers resisting wind, cold,",3
91,"----- making a person ill enough to warrant hospitalization, position ivy does not kill.",,"As soon as","Since","While","So that",3
92,"----- declaring the area useless, Daniel Webster could not have foretold how irrigation would make California’s Imperial Valley bloom",,"Because ","When","Though","So that",2
93,"----- plowing the field, the farmer uncovered a dinosaur jawbone",,"As though","While","Since","Until",2
94,"----- pandas eat bamboos almost exclusively, they are also carnivorous",,"Not only","Until","As soon as","Although",4
95,"Although ----- a country illegally is risky, the alien who finds work may believe the risk worthwhile.",,"when entering","he enters","entering","having entered",3
96,"--- sighting an approaching car, some drivers tend to speed up.",,"When slowing down instead of","Instead when slowing down at","When instead of slowing down","Instead of slowing down when",4
97,"-----, the travelers, found that their flight had been canceled because of the severe snowstorm.",,"That they arrived at the airport","As soon as arriving at the airport","At the airport","They arrived at the airport",2
98,"The Andean condor glides on a air currents and doesn’t flap its wings ----- it must do so to reach updrafts.",,"because","until","that","as if",1
99,"----- to England remain strong, the Channel Islanders are exempt from most British taxes.",,"Although their ties","Although tied","Before their ties","Tied",2
100,"When competing in a demolition derby, ----- until their cars are demolished",,"that drivers continue","drivers must continue","drivers continuing","although drivers must continue",2
101,"----- governments point with pride to increasing mechanization in agriculture human and animal power still produces a significant portion of the world’s food",,"Since","Because","So that","While",4
102,"-----, tobacco farmers had not yet felt its effect.",,"Though a campaign against smoking","That there was a campaign against smoking","That there was a campaign against smoking","There was a campaign against smoking",3
103,"There were few settlements along the North Carolina coast ----- many problems for seafarers",,"because the offshore barrier posed","before posing the offshore barrier","while posing the offshore barrier","that the offshore barrier had posed",1
104,"----- since the death of her father",,"The ancestral home of my mother abandoned","My mother’s ancestral home standing abandoned","My mother’s ancestral home has stood abandoned","None",3
46,"Drew was a ----- boss, one who gave generous holiday bonuses and often overlooked minor lapses in judgment.",,"miserly","supercilious","disingenuous","gregarious",4
105,"---- the owner and buyer finally agreed on a price for the house",,"They had been bargaining for several weeks","After bargaining for several weeks","After several weeks they began bargaining","As if bargaining for several weeks",2
106,"----- of the tranquilizer, the scientist put a tag on its ear and recorded details about the animal",,"While under the effect the deer","While being under the effect the deer","While the deer was under the effect","While the deer under the effect",3
107,"----- the finish line first, the runner gave up",,"Having failed to reach","Having failed reaching","He failed to reach","That he failed reaching",1
108,"Meriwether Lewis and William Clark made their epic journey across North America in the years from 1804 --- 1806",,"to","between","over","for",1
Here below are the most asked questions for entrance facing students.
Its in the format as below:
<Question Code> <Question> <Options> <Answer>
For example:
'...... 1,"Tapeworm has no digestive system because:",,"it is a parasite","it lives in intestine","it doesn’t need food","it absorbs its food from general body surface",4.........'
Here {1} is question code, {"Tapeworm has no digestive system because:" is question, "it is a parasite","it lives in intestine","it doesn’t need food","it absorbs its food from general body surface"} are choices and {4} is answer.
501,"Ligaments and tendons are formed of:",,"Epithelial tissue","Connective tissue","Muscular tissue","Nervous tissue",2
502,"Body is unsegmented in:",,"Mosquito","Earthworm","Roundworm","Scorpion",3
503,"Larva of housefly is called:",,"Nymph","Imago","Maggot","Tumbler",3
504,"Pancreas is:",,"Exocrine gland","Endocrine gland","Heterocrine gland","None",3
505,"The inherent capacity of a cell to regenerate a total plant is known as:",,"Cell fractionation","Cellular totipotency","Cell migration","Fission",2
506,"Proteolytic enzymes act on:",,"Proteins","Fats","Vitamins","Carbohydrates",1
507,"The erythroytic phase of the life cycle of Plasmodium occurs in:",,"Hepatic cells","WBC","Blood","RBC",4
508,"Linnaeus had the credit for:",,"Discovery of microscope","Discovery of blood circulation","Theory of biogenesis","Binomial nomenclature",4
509,"The transfer of energy from one trophic level to the next trophic level in an ecosystem is called food chain. The flow of energy in an ecosystem is always:",,"Unidirectional","Bidirectional","Multidirectional","There is no direction of flow of energy",1
510,"Obligate parasites:",,"Can multiply outside the living cell","Can multiply on soil","Can multiply on dead organic matter","Cannot multiply outside the living cell",4
511,"Parenchymatous cell with large intercellular spaces is a feature of hydrophytic adaptation in plants. What is the parenchyma with air cavities called?",,"Sclerenchyma","Chlorenchyma","Aerenchyma","Collenchyma",3
512,"RNA molecule is synthesized from a single strand of DNA by a process called:",,"Transcription","Translation","Mutation","Evolution",1
513,"All of the following are true for bryophytes except:",,"they have no vascular bundle","they need water for fertilization","they have independent sporophyte","their antherozoides are motile",3
514,"What are the brownish hair like structures found on the petiole and rhizome of fern called?",,"Frond","Scale","Ramenta","Sorus",3
515,"The science of counting the age of tree is called:",," Dendrology","Silviculture","Olericulture","Dendrochronology",4
516,"What are the sterile cells found in the hymenium of basdiocarp of mushroom called?",,"Paraphyses","Basidia","Pileus","Annulus",1
517,"What are the plants growing inside other plants called?",,"Parasites","Endophytes","Epiphytes","Lithophytes",2
518,"Serum can be defined as:",,"Serum can be defined as:","Plasma devoid of clotting factor","Blood devoid of plasma","Plasma devoid of water",2
519,"Fasciola hepatica is commonly called:",,"Blood fluke","tape worm","liver fluke","planaria",3
520,"The excretory organ of annelida is nephridia. The excretory organ of platyhelminthes is:",,"solencocyte","madreporite","radula","gynaecophoric canal",1
521,"Study of soil and soil content is called:",,"Angiology","Saurology","Edaphology","Palynology",3
522,"Plants found in dry climate is called Xerophytes, animals found in such climate is called:",,"Xerophyta","Xerozoon","Xeroans","Xerocles",4
523,"Which of the following mentioned below shows the maximum adaptation both externally and internally?",,"monkey","birds","chameleon","tortoise",2
524,"The drugs taken by us are metabolized in:",,"small intestine","stomach","liver","large intestine",3
525,"The blood pressure is measured by the instrument called:",,"sphygmomanometer","pressure meter","electro-cardio gram","endoscope",1
526,"Which is the largest organ of human body?",,"liver","skin","brain","lungs",2
527,"Study of flower is called:",,"Anthology","Pomology","Dendrology","Inflorescence",1
528,"Monocarpic plants produce flowers and fruit once in life time. Which of the following is monocarpic?",,"mango","mustard","bamboo","both b and c",4
529,"Food is transported by phloem in form of starch and stored in the form of:",,"glucose","glycogen","starch","lipids",3
530,"An additional amount of DNA found in cell is called:",,"plasmids","chondroid","mesosomes","chromosome",1
531,"Which of the following is diagnostic difference between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes?",,"presence of 70s ribosome","presence of DNA","Lack of histone protein","lack of Plasmodesmata",3
532,"Different flowers colour i.e. red, blue, purple is due to:",,"chromoplast","anthocyanin of vacuole","chloroplast","cytoplasm",1
533,"In pitcher plant, the pitcher or trap is modified:",,"leaf","leaf apex","petiole","leaf lamina",3
534,"Algae are great source of nutrients. Which of algae is richest source of protein?",,"Laminaria","Chlorella","Spirogyra","Spirullinna",4
535,"Which of the following is called amphibian plants?",,"Thalophyhyta","Bryophyte","Pteridophyta","Gymnosperm",2
536,"Dorsophilia is insect heavily used in genetic experiments. Dorsophila of plant kingdom is:",,"Aspergillus","Pencillium","Neurospora","Mucor",3
537,"Choanocyte cells are the distinguishing characters of phylum:",,"Porifera","Coelenterata","Platyhelminthes","Echinodermata",1
538,"Sea – anemone lies in the phylum:",,"porifera","echinodermata","mollusca","coelenterata",4
539,"Malarial parasite was first discovered by:",,"Ronald Ross","Charles Laveren","Louis Pasteur","Jenner",2
540,"The blood pressure is:",,"pressure exerted by blood on veins","speed of flow of blood in vessel","pressure exerted by blood on artery","pressure exerted by blood on heart",3
541,"The main purpose of classification is:",,"to locate animals","to study facts of evolution","to establish relationships","to study the ecology of animals",3
542,"What is total number of cell division during formation of 50 zygotes?",,"62.5","63","61","62",1
543,"When a fresh twig of a plant is dipped in ink-solution and after sometimes the section of stem is cut and observed. Which part becomes coloured?",,"collenchyma","phloem","xylem","sclerenchyma",3
544,"The pollination done by snails is called malacophily. The pollination done by snakes is called:",,"Ornithophily","Chropterophily","Anemophily","Ophiophily",4
545,"which of the following cell organelle has double membrane?",,"ER","Golgi bodies","lysosome","chloroplast",4
546,"Insectivores plants feed on insects mainly for:",,"phosphorous","oxygen","proteins","nitrogen",4
547,"A taxonomic group of classification which can be assigned to a definite category of any level, is termed as:",,"Genus","Species","Type","Taxon",4
548,"Frog respires through:",,"skin","lungs","buccal cavity","all of these",4
549,"The animals feeding on blood are called as:",,"Frugivorous","Carnivorous","Sanguivorous","Piscivorous",3
550,"Sporogony in life Plasmodium occurs in:",,"Liver of man","RBCs of man","Salivary glands of mosquito","On the wall of the mosquito's stomach",4
551,"Connecting link between Annelida and Arthropoda is:",,"Archaeopteryx","Peripatus","Duck billed platypus","Spiny ant eater",2
552,"Animals modified for running are called as:",,"Cursorial","Ambulatory","Volant"," Arboreal",1
553,"The larva of mosquito is called as:",,"Maggot","Nymph","Wriggler","Tumbler",3
554,"All mammalian cells have nucleus except:",,"Muscle cells","Neurons","RBC","Liver cells",3
555,"Ascaris is:",,"Bisexual","Unisexual","Host","Marine",2
556,"Tubefeet are locomotary organs found in:",,"Echinoderms","Molluscs","Arthropods","Annelids",1
557,"Ribosome of bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts are of:",,"30S type","50S type","70S type","80S type",3
558,"In some of Mendel’s experiments, three quarters of the offspring showed the dominant trait. Which of the following is most likely to be true about the parents?",,"Both were recessive","Both were heterozygous","Both were dominant","One was heterozygous; and the other, homozygous",2
559,"Which of the following statements is most true of producer organisms?",,"They are eaten by carnivores","They are eaten by scavengers","They are parasitic","They contain chlorophyll",4
560,"What is rod shaped bacteria called?",,"Bacillus","Coccus","Spirillum","Vibrio",1
561,"Swedish naturalist who developed binomial nomenclature to classify and organize plants and animals:",,"Carolus Linnaeus","Bentham","Hutchinson","Robert Whittaker",1
562,"In pteridophytes, the plant body represents:",,"Gametophyte","Sporophyte","Both a and b","None",2
563,"Which of the given plants does not produces fruits?",,"Cycas","Rice","Barley","Mango",1
564,"Mushroom (Basidiomycetes) are different from other fungi in having:",,"Coenocytic hyphae","Spores","Dikaryotic hyphae","All of the above",3
565,"What is the unit of male reproductive part in flower called?",,"Carpel","Stamen","Sepal","Petal",2
566,"What is ‘vivipary’ in plants?",,"Production of eggs","Production of spores","Formation zygote","Germination of seed inside fruit",4
567,"Malaria is caused by the infection of:",,"Plasmodium","Mosquito","Ascaris","Bad air",1
568,"The characteristic feature of sponges is:",,"gastro vascular cavity","tentacles","hypostome","canal system",4
569,"What are roots having symbiotic association with algal cells called?",,"Nodulated root","Coralloid root","Mycorrhizal root","Tap root",2
570,"The posterior end of male Ascaris remains:",,"curved","cylindrical","spiral","straight",1
571,"The poisonous fluid in the nematocysts of Hydra is:",,"hypnotoxin","toxin","heparin","haematin",1
572,"Amphibian heart is:",,"one chambered","two chambered","three chambered","four chambered",3
573,"Tusk of an elephant is an enlarged:",,"upper canines","upper incisors","lower incisor","premolars",2
574,"The chief function of bile is:",,"emulsification of fats for digestion","to regulate the process of digestion","to digest fats by enzymatic activity","to remove waste products",1
575,"Which of the following has no cotyledons but is placed in dicot?",,"Cycas","Potato","Cuscuta","Bamboo",3
576,"The mode of nutrition in fungi is mostly:",,"Autotrophic","Saprophytic","Chemotrophic","Parasitic",2
577,"Transpiration is highest for ----- transpiration.",,"Stomatal","Cuticular","Lenticular","Epidermal",1
578,"Scientists believe that global warming is caused by: Scientists believe that global warming is caused by:",,"Atom bomb testing","The spread of warfare in equatorial region","Acid rain","The greenhouse effect",4
579,"World famous penicillin was extracted from:",,"Algae","Bacteria","Fungi","Virus",3
580,"Budding is type of:",,"Vegetative propagation","Sexual reproduction","Fragmentation","All",1
581,"Flame cells are excretory organs of:",,"Taenia and other flatworms","Ascaris","Sponges","none",1
582,"Which of the following is not found in the basdiocarp of mushroom?",,"Rhizomorph","Stipe","Trama","Rhizoid",4
583,"Chiropterophily is the pollination done by:",,"birds","mammals","bats","air",3
584,"""Philosophie Zoologique"" a book published in 1809 was written by:",,"Darwin","Lamarck","Mendel","Weismann",2
585,"The study of fish culture is:",,"Ichthyology","Herpetology","Pisciculture","Apiculture",3
586,"Animals living and subsisting on other organisms come under:",,"Pathology","Parasitology","Parazoology","Helminthology",3
587,"The branch of science that deals with the study of identification, nomenclature and classification of the organisms is:",,"Anatomy","Morphology","Zoology","Taxonomy",4
588,"Which of the following is the characteristic of
zygotene?",,"Crossing over","Synapsis","Terminalization","Cytokinesis",2
589,"Physical basis of life is:",,"Cytoplasm","Protoplasm","Nucleoplasm","Carbohydrates",2
590,"What is the post fertilization product of ovary?",,"Fruit","seed","Ovule","Carpel",1
591,"What is the gametophyte of fern called?",,"Thallus","Frond","Capsule","Prothallus",4
592,"Who is called the father of modern botany?",,"Aristotle","Aristotle","Carolus Linnaeus","Mendel",3
592,"A bean seed contains all except:",,"Seed coat","Cotyledons","Hypocotyl","Hypha",4
593,"Ferns have feather like leaves in their sporophyte, so they are grouped under:",,"Pteridophyta","Tracheophyta","Embryophyta","Spermatophyta",1
594,"The name of discipline dealing with the study of inheritance is:",,"Cytology","Evolution","Genetics","Anatomy",3
595,"Which of the following type of RNA carries amino acids during protein synthesis?",,"rRNA","tRNA","mRNA","All",2
596,"The study dealing with the structure of cell is:",,"Cytology","Breeding","Biotechnology","Geneticsq",1
597,"The term evolution in Biology means that:",,"Fossils are old","Living things constantly change","Life began in sea","Man descended from Apes",2
598,"A green and chlorophyllous autotrophic cell of a plant contains all of the following except:",,"Genes","DNA","Centriole","Cell wall",3
599,"Analogous organs are those, which are:",,"Structurally similar","Structurally as well as functionally similar","Functionally similar","Normally non-functional",3
600,"Which one is not vestigial organ of man?",,"Wisdom teeth","Muscles of ear pinna","Vermiform appendixIleum","Ileum",4
601,"Mature RBCs of male lacks nucleus except:",,"Cow","Camel","Tiger","Deer",2
602,"The ultimate source of organic variation is:",," Mutations","Sexual reproduction","Hormonal","Mutations",2
603,"The scientific culture of silkworm is known as:",,"Apiculture","Pisciculture","Sericulture","Horticulture",3
604,"Connecting link between reptiles and birds is:",,"Dodo","Sphenodon","Dimetrodon","Archaeopteryx",4
605,"The entire surface of Earth livable for living things is:",,"Atmosphere","Lithosphere","Biosphere","Hydrosphere",3
606,"The mosquitoes having blood sucking mouth parts are:",,"Only male","Only female","Both","None",2
607,"This plant of the legume family is unusual in that the edible fruit or pod develops under the soil.",,"Walnut","Peanut","Pea","Cauliflower",2
608,"The woody tissue in vascular plants that not only conducts water and inorganic salts throughout the plant body but also provides mechanical support to the plant.",,"Sap","Xylem","Phloem","Sclerenchyma",2
609,"What is the name of the chemical that makes plant cells rigid and plants crunchy?",,"Protein","Skin","Chitin","Cellulose",4
610,"A group of relatively simple unicellular organisms lacking a nucleus and other complex cell features.",,"Diatom","Thallophytes","Prokaryotes","Arthropod",3
611,"Which of the following plastids is found in the cells not exposed to light?",,"leucoplast","chromoplast","chloroplast","none of the above",1
612,"Which of the following has an embryo but lacks vascular tissue?",,"bryophyte","pteridophyta","gymnospermae","angiospermae",1
613,"The movement of microscope particles is named for this influential British botanist, who not only discovered nucleus but also determined the distinction between gymnosperms and angiosperms.",,"Robert Brown","Bentham","Hutchinson","Artistole",1
614,"Viruses are essentially made up:",,"proteins and nucleic acids","non-cellular organisms","lipids and nucleic and acids","starch, protein and lipids",1
615,"Gemetophytic generation is prominent in:",,"angiosperms","pteridophytes","bryophytes","gymnosperms",3
616,"The dominant generation in pteridophytes is:",,"sporophyte","gametophyte","thallophyte","all",1
617,"Velamen, the spongy tissue, is present in:",,"breathing root","parasitic root","tuberous root","epiphytic root",4
618,"Buds are typically found:",,"at the apex or axil of leaves","at the tips of branches","at the base of the branches","at the tips of the roots",1
619,"Potato tuber is a modified:",,"root"," stem","bulb","leaf",2
620,"Ginger is a stem , not a root because:",,"it stores food material","it grows parallel to soil surface","it lacks chlorophyll","it has nodes and internodes",4
621,"Which of the following plants has parallel venation in its leaves?",,"castor","grass","moss","fern",2
622,"Phyllotaxy is the mode of arrangement of leaves and the principle underlying it is",,"to hide leaves against sunlight","to expose leaves equally to sunlight","to minimize number of leaves","to maximize number of leaves",2
623,"Mechanical of tissue consisting of living cells is:",,"sclerenchyma","colenchyma","chlorenchyma","parenchyma",2
624,"Double fertilization in the characteristics of the:",,"angiosperms","alga","gymnosperms","bryophytesq",1
625,"Which of the following is not a method of vegetation propagation:",,"sowing","cutting","layering","grafting",1
626,"Stem cutting are commonly used for propagation:",,"cotton","mango","sugarcane","banana",3
627,"Bacteria cannot survive in a highly salted pickle because:",,"salt inhabits reproduction of bacteria","enough light is unavailable for photosynthesis","they become plasmolysed and death occur","nutrients in the pickle medium cannot support life",3
628,"The loss of water in the from of vapour from aerial plant parts is known as:",,"osmosis","respiration","photosynthesis","transpiration",4
629,"Exudation of water in the from of liquid from the margin of la leaf is called:",,"evaporation","osmosis","transpiration","guttation",4
630,"The ultimate biological energy comes from:",,"mitochondria","sunlight","glucose","ATP",2
631,"Which of the following is not a plastid?",,"leucoplast","chloroplast","chromoplast","anthoplast",4
632,"What is the importance of respiration in plants?",,"it provides oxygen to plants","it liberates energy (ATP)","it liberates carbon dioxide","all of the above",2
633,"Ethylene gas:",,"sows down ripening of apples","speeds up maturation of fruits","is a saturated hydrocarbon","retards ripening of tomatoes",2
634,"A food chain starts with:",,"nitrogen","decay","photosynthesis","respiration",3
635,"Most important criteria used for the present day classification of living organisms is based on:",,"presence and absence of notochord","resemblances in external features","breeding habits","anatomical and physiological characteristics",4
636,"Body is un-segmented in:",,"mosquito","ascaris","earthworm","scorpion",2
637,"Ascaris is found as endoparasite in:",,"blood of man","intestine of man","muscles of pig"," body cavity of man",2
638,"Which of the parasite has no alimentary canal?",,"liverfluke","ascaris","tapeworm","pinworm",3
639,"From which stage of silk moth, the silk is obtained:",,"Adult","Egg"," Caterpillar","Cocoon",4
640,"Difference between larvae of Culex and Anopheles is in the presence of:",,"Eyes","tail","respiratory trumpet","curved body shaped",3
641,"Tumbler is the name given to the pupa of:",,"Butterfly","mosquito","housefly","beetle",2
642,"Which of the following animal is a poikilotherms?",,"Fish","Frog","Snakes","All of there",4
643,"Fertilization in frog takes place in",,"Uterus","Fallopian tube"," Water","Upper part of oviduct",3
644,"Metamorphosis occurs in:",,"Ascaris","Earthworm","Tapeworm","Frog",4
645,"When a frog is transferred from 20#0C to 30# 0C, its body temperature:",,"Rise to 20#0C","Rises to 30#0C","Falls to 15#0C","Remains constant",2
646,"Frog produce sound during rainy season to:",,"Terrify the enemies","Warn other frogs from enemies","Invite females frogs","None of these",3
649,"Pneumatic bones of birds:",,"Increase the respiratory rate","Increase the heart beat rate","Increase the CO2 output","Increase the buoyancy",4
705,"The theory of inheritance of acquired characters was disproved by:",,"A Weismann","J.B. Lamarck","Louis Pasteur","Charles Darwin",1
706,"Which one of the following organisms is not an autotroph?",,"Grass","Moss","Mushroom","Fern",3
707,"Which of the following molecules is glucose?",,"C$3H$6O$3","C$6H$12O$6","C$3H$5OH","C$10O$5",2
708,"How many membranes comprise the nuclear envelope?",,"Four","One","Two","Three",3
709,"A flower with stamens carpels sepals and petals is said to be:",,"tetraform","complete","perfect","bisexual",2
710,"The adrenal glands are located adjacent to the:",,"Larynx","Urinary bladder","kidneys","Gonads",3
711,"The first hormone to be isolated was:",,"Thyroxine","Testosterone","Aldosteroneq","Progesterone",1
712,"Hepatic portal vein terminates in ---",,"Stomach","Leaver","Heart","Kidney",2
713,"Follicles are present in",,"Ovary","Testes","Kidney","Lung",1
714,"Darwin is famous for ---",,"Theory of mutation","Natural selection","Inheritance of acquired characters","Law of independent assortment",1
715,"The outermost part of the bone is called ---",,"Epiphysis","Periostcur","Meringes","Pericardium",2
716,"Diffused Nervous System is found in ---",,"Porifera","Coelenerata","Platyhelminthy","Annelida",2
717,"Transpiration is carried out by ---",,"Stomata","Cuticle","Lenticel","All of the above",4
718,"Which of the following contains nitrogen fixing bacteria?",,"Fungi"," Cycas","Leguminus plant","Fern",3
719,"The modified stem of fern plant is called ---",,"Rhizoid","Stamen","Ramenta","Rhizome",4
720,"The inner core of the virus is made up of ---",,"Protein","Envelope","Capsid","Nucleic acid",4
721,"Venus fly trap shows a response ---",,"Thigmonasty","Seismonasty","Phototropism","None",1
722,"The Process of pairing of homologous chromosomes is called synapsis. Which of the following stage of cell division is characterized by synapsis?",,"Leptotene","Zygotene","Pachytene","Diplotene",2
723,"Which of the plant mentioned below is devoid of vascular bundles?",,"Moss","Club moss","Pine","Lotus",1
724,"The transfer of amino acids during protein synthesis is the function of ---",,"m RNA","r RNA","s RNA","hn RNA",3
725,"The pyramid of energy is always ---",,"Upright","Inverted","Both","Horizontal",1
726,"Double fertilization occurs in ---",,"All plants","Pteridophytes","Gymnosperms","Angiosperms",4
727,"Denitrifying bacteria convert ---",,"Nitrites to nitrites","Nitrates to molecular nitrogen","Nitrates of nitrites","Molecular nitrogen to nitrates",2
728,"Ozone layer is present in ---",,"Stratosphere","Troposphere","Lonosphere","Mesosphere",1
729,"The most primitive placental mammal is ---",,"Platypus","Bat","Shrew","Mice",3
730,"How many segments present in Leech ---",,"23","33","43","53",2
731,"A characteristic feature of insects is ---",,"Antennae","3 pair of legs","A pair of compound eyes","2 pair of wings",2
732,"Structural & functional unit(s) of kidney is/are ---",,"Uriniferous tubules","Seminiferous tubules","Urinary bladder","Hepatic cells",1
733,"The end product(s) of protein digestion is/are ---",,"Glucose","Amino acids","Fatty acids","Glycerol",2
0,"During course of evolution, true coelom is first evolved in ---",,"Coelenterata","Aschelminthes","Annelida","Arthropoda",3
0,"Larva of Butterfly and moth is called as ---",,"Caterpillar","Maggot","Wriggler","Grub",1
0,"Photosynthesis is not ---",,"Catabolic process","Anabolic process","Constructive process","Building up process",1
0,"Which of the following cell organelles have no membrane?",,"Mitochondria and Chloroplast","Mitochondria and Ribosome","Ribosome and Centriole","Lysosome and Lysosome",3
0,"The opening and closing of stomata is controlled by ---",,"Subsidiary cells","Guard cells","Epidermal cells","None of these",2
0,"What is the net yield of ATP when a glucose molecule is broken down anaerobically into lactate?",,"2 ATP","8 ATP","30 ATP","38 ATP",1
0,"Which of the following organism has cell wall but no chloroplast?",,"Amoeba","Spirogyra","Volvox"," Mucor",4
0,"What is the scientific name of Wheat?",,"Oryza stiva","Horeum vulgare","Triticum aestivum","Lycopersicum esculentum",3
0,"Which among the following belong to Pisces?",,"Jell fish","Silver fish","Sea horse","Sea mouse",3
0,"Some plants grow on the surface of other plants are called",,"Xerophytes","Epiphytes","Mesophytes","Hydrophytes",2
0,"The cells of a Drosophila fly have been shown to contain 8 chromosomes. The number of chromosomes in the fertilized egg is",,"2","4","8","16",3
0,"Which of the following organelles contains cisternae?",,"Lysosome","Chloroplast","Golgi body","Mitochondria",3
0,"Fungi which grow on animal faeces or dung are termed as",,"Coprophilous","Facultative saprophyte"," Parasite","None of the above",1
0,"Hemidactylus is the zoological name of",,"Wall lizard","Garden lizard","Flying lizard","Tuatara lizard",1
0,"Fruit eating animals are",,"Carnivorous","Insectivorous","Sagnuivorous","Frugivorous",4
0,"Peripatus is the connecting link between",,"Annelida – Arthropoda","Annelida –Mollusca","Annelida – Echinodermata","Aschelminthes – Annelida",1
0,"Parrot is",,"Polygamous","Gregarious","Crepuscular","All of the above",2
0,"Membrane surrounding the brain is called",,"Pericardium","Perichondrium","Periosteum","Meninge",4
82,"West of Newport -----, one of the many mansions surrounded by acres of gardens",,"where the Aston stately home stands","the stately home stands of Aston","the stately home of Aston stands","stands the stately Aston home",4
83,"Putrefaction ----- by bacteria and not by a chemical process.",,"to be caused","causing","caused","is caused",4
84,"In the Sonora desert, the daytime temperatures ----- to 50 degrees Celsius.",,"rise","rising","to rise","risen",1
85,"----- publicly executed in 1536 for making what his enemies considered a false translation of the Bible, William Tyndale wrote a version which became the foundation of subsequent English versions",,"As if","After","When","Although",4
86,"---- capable of walking upright, apelike Australopithecus did so only for short",,"As if","Through","Until","Because",2
87,"----- erupting in May 1980, Mount Saint Helens continued erupting intermittently throughout the following year.",,"After","Such as","Since","As if",1
88,"----- having seized their prey with their mouths, pythons swiftly coil themselves around it and suffocate it.",,"Until","Because","Since","After",4
89,"----- running, grizzly bears are capable of attaining speeds of 35 miles and hour.",,"So that","When","Through","So",3
90,"-----, their small size and the thin soil make them easy prey to a hiker’s heel.",,"When alpine flower can resist wind, cold","When alpine flower can resist wind, cold","While alpine flowers can resist wind, cold","Alpine flowers resisting wind, cold,",3
91,"----- making a person ill enough to warrant hospitalization, position ivy does not kill.",,"As soon as","Since","While","So that",3
92,"----- declaring the area useless, Daniel Webster could not have foretold how irrigation would make California’s Imperial Valley bloom",,"Because ","When","Though","So that",2
93,"----- plowing the field, the farmer uncovered a dinosaur jawbone",,"As though","While","Since","Until",2
94,"----- pandas eat bamboos almost exclusively, they are also carnivorous",,"Not only","Until","As soon as","Although",4
95,"Although ----- a country illegally is risky, the alien who finds work may believe the risk worthwhile.",,"when entering","he enters","entering","having entered",3
96,"--- sighting an approaching car, some drivers tend to speed up.",,"When slowing down instead of","Instead when slowing down at","When instead of slowing down","Instead of slowing down when",4
97,"-----, the travelers, found that their flight had been canceled because of the severe snowstorm.",,"That they arrived at the airport","As soon as arriving at the airport","At the airport","They arrived at the airport",2
98,"The Andean condor glides on a air currents and doesn’t flap its wings ----- it must do so to reach updrafts.",,"because","until","that","as if",1
99,"----- to England remain strong, the Channel Islanders are exempt from most British taxes.",,"Although their ties","Although tied","Before their ties","Tied",2
100,"When competing in a demolition derby, ----- until their cars are demolished",,"that drivers continue","drivers must continue","drivers continuing","although drivers must continue",2
101,"----- governments point with pride to increasing mechanization in agriculture human and animal power still produces a significant portion of the world’s food",,"Since","Because","So that","While",4
102,"-----, tobacco farmers had not yet felt its effect.",,"Though a campaign against smoking","That there was a campaign against smoking","That there was a campaign against smoking","There was a campaign against smoking",3
103,"There were few settlements along the North Carolina coast ----- many problems for seafarers",,"because the offshore barrier posed","before posing the offshore barrier","while posing the offshore barrier","that the offshore barrier had posed",1
104,"----- since the death of her father",,"The ancestral home of my mother abandoned","My mother’s ancestral home standing abandoned","My mother’s ancestral home has stood abandoned","None",3
46,"Drew was a ----- boss, one who gave generous holiday bonuses and often overlooked minor lapses in judgment.",,"miserly","supercilious","disingenuous","gregarious",4
105,"---- the owner and buyer finally agreed on a price for the house",,"They had been bargaining for several weeks","After bargaining for several weeks","After several weeks they began bargaining","As if bargaining for several weeks",2
106,"----- of the tranquilizer, the scientist put a tag on its ear and recorded details about the animal",,"While under the effect the deer","While being under the effect the deer","While the deer was under the effect","While the deer under the effect",3
107,"----- the finish line first, the runner gave up",,"Having failed to reach","Having failed reaching","He failed to reach","That he failed reaching",1
108,"Meriwether Lewis and William Clark made their epic journey across North America in the years from 1804 --- 1806",,"to","between","over","for",1
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